12 Hour pics

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#31 Post by Derno24 »

Guys there will be a whole lot more coming!!!! I will post them later today!!!:head:

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#32 Post by Derno24 »

Ok guys here are some from the track. Pit Lane. It was awesome to see this. This thing had to be over a half mile long. Took me about 5mins to walk from our pit 2/3 of the way down to Jay and Doug about 25-30 teams away.

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#33 Post by Derno24 »

I am posting pics of the track in sections, but I am missing about 2 miles of course from across the road.

Here is the end of the long straight away. As the race wore on alot of kickers developed through the long straigh, but if you weren't in 5th gear pegged then you were getting passed.

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#34 Post by Derno24 »

This area was cool. After the last shot was a 180 left then a 90 right dumping you into this. A natural terrain section which reminded me of Rausch.

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#35 Post by Derno24 »

You came out to this downhill which as the race wore on became interesting. I personally spotted a couple quads way off track here. One problem with the terrain was the type of dirt. In some areas it was packed like clay then in other areas it was like dusty and the more it was ridden on the more disappeared.

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#36 Post by Derno24 »

It then turned into this one laned small woods section. It wasn't very tight, but you could still get hung up easily.

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#37 Post by Derno24 »

You then opened up into this little uphill. Not very big, but steep and a pain to walk up.

Notice the 2 lanes. One thing I was disappointed in was there were no real multiple option lanes like at Rausch. There were just multiple lines around trees like this!

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#38 Post by Derno24 »

Then a downhill straight to the motorcross section.

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#39 Post by Derno24 »

Then you go into this double. I shot this one backwards. So you would be riding at the camera. All the other shots were from rider perspective!

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#40 Post by Derno24 »

Now this jump was the topic of discussion when everyone arrived. Seems like they didn't want anyone to jump it. They put that monster lip on it, but it was fixed later in the day.

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