Haydug Makes Good Showing at Earlywines

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#31 Post by KYmxracer52 »

I'm coming this weekend. If I get my new ball joint in before. I'm looking forward to it.

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#32 Post by USAMoto00 »

Jasp, we will be making a trip down, I just have to check on the schedule. I would like to do a 3 day thing if possible, I guess I'll wait and see how it will work out for us. I'll be trying the B class, so I hope I don't get stomped too bad. lol:usa

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#33 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by USAMoto00
Jasp, we will be making a trip down, I just have to check on the schedule. I would like to do a 3 day thing if possible, I guess I'll wait and see how it will work out for us. I'll be trying the B class, so I hope I don't get stomped too bad. lol:usa

Talk it over with Doug. But I would always suggest coming down for the practice Friday night. It's not busy and can can help. Some of the local boys have a few laps under their belt already.

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#34 Post by USAMoto00 »

Yea, I figured that. I just would like to be able to hold my own I guess. This will be my 2nd race as a B classer.lol I have a feeling I'll be fast enough, but my stamina is crap right now.:dance:

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#35 Post by haydug »

I cannot make it this weekend. My wife is working sat/sun so I have 3 kids. Plus, the Jackson indoor is this weekend, 1/2 hour from the house. I'll probably try to find a babysitter one day and ride up there.

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#36 Post by USAMoto00 »

Let us know how Jackson is Doug. I went there once last year to watch and it didn't seem too bad. Although a little kid on a dirt bike did go through the wall at the end of the whoops. (or was it oops)lol That was like 4 hours for us if I remember correctly and it was way out in the middle of no-where. For our trip, I really don't think that it would be worth it to go there again. That's why I'd like to make it a 3 day when I go to Earlywines. I like to feel like I get my money's worth.:usa Good luck Doug.

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#37 Post by KYmxracer52 »

We should all get together the week after Christmas and meet at Earlywines some day to practice. That is if everyone can get off. They practice from 10am-10pm.

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#38 Post by USAMoto00 »

That's what I'm talking about! lol I'd be willing to try that. Do you have to buy a membership though? I'd hate to buy it for one or two trips.

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#39 Post by parks9 »

dang' one of the nicest dales ive seen. I take back what i said to bombsquad about the 250 r conversion kits

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#40 Post by USAMoto00 »

Doug's or mine?:confused:

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