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Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:31 pm
by EuroGOD
Originally posted by Bill31251
...he and I drag raced for about 200 yards and there were flashes going off that was a rush he got me by about 1 bike length

That's more like it! Let's hope someone can find the pics.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:36 pm
4 St C 25-32 - Class Results

Eric Burton
Cookeville, TN

James Smith
Wilson, NC

James Smith is known as Wyndzer .... Seconds pretty good in the muck.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:32 pm
by pdavis
i went through all my tearoffs in less than one lap, and once i got stuck in the water, i took them off to see what i was doing, then they were of from there,

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:48 pm
by haydug
Here is the official "swampdale"

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:54 pm
by Bill31251
Were you all the 2 guys on speeds sitting there on the side of the track talking about 4 marker I was on the red dale yelling

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:03 pm
by pdavis
i have never seen this many dales at one race since i have owned on i think there wer 5 or 6 in our group, jeff and his boys had a few and about 5 others floating around, not too bad

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:30 pm
by Jaybr

How many points did team Davis get for the 8th place finish?:rotf :rotf

Way to represent fellas!

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 11:17 pm
by Ryanstones
I don't understand a couple things though. Results say Pdavis finished 9th in class, what's the story?

Also, I'm a little confused by listing machines as ATK's. I get Jeff S's. but...

Looks like some great finishes for the dales though! good thing i didn't show up.

Oh and Lookin gooood Swampdale! What happened with your quad?

:usa :clap:

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:47 am
by Swampdale
Not sure yet. Towards the end of lap 3 she just locked up. I'll be taking her apart this week. I've got another motor to jam in her for this weekend.

Hey, I had an awesome time. Special thanks to Clay, Zack, Doug, Chris, Richard and Richard's dad (I never thanked him for the run to hardware store)

Who's going to Rnd 3? Pdavis is just gettin' warmed up.

Doug, I wouldn't sell her for anything. Yamaha can stick it up their a**. I'll be back. Ride American!:usa

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:38 am
by thomez
We had a heck of a good time and it was great to meet up with everone. Pdavis I think I know what that P stands for but it isn't forum-worthy :eek:

Pete, nice 9th place. Seemed like you went twice as far as anyone else with the same effort. Awesome wink.gif Get a new set of fronts yet? LOL

It should be mentioned that Swamp'Dale was in 1st in his class at one time - if not for the failure I'm confident he could have won that bad boy. The man loves the mud as you can see. Thanks again for the trip, Tony. I had a great time.

Joe, we coulda fueled you up when you came in the pits man! You just had to let us know, we were all there! Next time I guess biggrin.gif

If the family wasn't such a pain I woulda had mine there, it looks like a heck of a good time. I'm ready for C class biggrin.gif

And a special shout out to Steve-O that was next to us. I know he doesn't read the forum but ****, he won 33+ and it couldn't have been to a nicer guy or an uglier bike :head: Tony tell everyone about Steve :rotf