foot of the mountain 4/11- dernodale debut

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#51 Post by Jaybr »

Originally posted by 02Cannibal
Yea, 81 is a bit West of me.  I plan on running that race but I guess I'll have to do the haulin...  And yea, 3 Dales!!  makes my heart flutter.

If 3 Dales makes your heart flutter, your gonna have a full out heart attack when you get to the group ride and see 40 or 50 of them:o

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#52 Post by Derno24 »

If you want you can just meet us off 81 and I'll take you the rest of the way. We can work it out during the week next week.

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#53 Post by cdrookie »

that'd be great if you'd hit a race or two with us thomez. you're fair game though, so you better win or at least beat us, cause well... look at what derno's going thru! hopefully ****** will get his dale done soon so he can come play.

when derno beats me and gets his 5 FOOT TROPHY i'll have to sell my dale and move over to yfzcentral. i'm NEVER gonna hear the end of that one, so it'd be best if i just left... the state. but that hasn't happened yet soooooo...

i was so tired at work since i only got 4 hours of sleep last night. worked on the dernodale getting it ready for LL yesterday. the only thing that kept me going was the anticipation of getting home to see my 5 FOOT TROPHY. man does that 5 FOOT TROPHY look goooood standing in the living room, err, trophy my 5 FOOT TROPHY is taller than my other trophys sitting on the windowsill. you know what my 5 FOOT TROPHY says derno? 1st place! i think my 5 FOOT TROPHY is taller than derno. i'm gonna go dust my 5 FOOT TROPHY then sit on the couch and reminisce about that day i won the 5 FOOT TROPHY!:head: tongue.gif tongue.gif :w:

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#54 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

Road Winders Harescramble at Hurricane Hills is awsome.

We used to have it in August but it was always too dusty.

Its a great track, Similar to Foot but a lil less rocky.

I'll be sportin the R again for this round.

later, J

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#55 Post by cdrookie »

J, don't be shy, let derno know about your 5FOOT TROPHY!smile.gif

how were the points scored for FOOT? derno was saying that they sometimes do a 4- 1st, 3- 2nd, 2- 3rd, type of thing if turnout isn't good. you hear anything about that?

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#56 Post by Derno24 »

I wish they had an icon for just shaking your head. I really need it right now. I definitely fell like I am smaller than your trophy right now. Hey guess what I found the Washers to the hubs today!

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#57 Post by JLHUGHES750 »

Originally posted by cdrookie
J, don't be shy, let derno know about your 5FOOT TROPHY!smile.gif

No 5 footer for me, just an envelope full of cash$$tongue.gif


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#58 Post by cdrookie »

what? they had plenty of 5 FOOT TROPHYS laying around, cash or not. they should've gave everyone a 5 FOOT TROPHY who finished that one. i start shivering just thinking about it.

derno, that's good you found the washers. i'll get the tranny filter after work and give you a call. i'm pretty bored with the 5 FOOT TROPHY thing so you won't hear me mention it anymore.

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#59 Post by 02Cannibal »

Rookie, did you ever fish out your tranny filter or are you still running with it lodged in there?

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#60 Post by cdrookie »

i got it out will. took a while, it was lodged to the right of the drain plug hole. wasn't bent or anything!

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