First A MX Race; Ouch

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First A MX Race; Ouch

#1 Post by Psychosis »

Today I decided to try out the A class in a MX race this morning since I usually only run A in AX and run B in MX. Track was fun and so moved up. Practice went perfect and I was actually the fastest in it w/out error. Got to the first moto and on the start of the second lap there's a good sized double. It's either do or die basically. Well, I committed to it and right as I'm approaching the launch, guess what happens!

The quad cut out momentarily bringing the nose down right at the lip of the jump. I pulled w/everything I had to bring it up but fell short. I can't recall anything between the hit and the next few seconds I guess. Don't remember atleast.

Guys around said I pulled the landing out of my *** b/c I landed like nose first on the landing or something and somehow didn't go over the bars. Next thing I knew I had a flagger near me and the EMT was running over. They checked me out and I've got pretty badly bruised legs around my thigh area, bruised lip/chin, bad headache, and possibly a fractured wrist, or atleast the EMT thought so. It hurts like **** but I figured I'd leave it till tomorrow and then maybe go to the hospital since he said it might not be. Either way I'm not racing Monday now which means I just lost a title I was fighting for in a series. Frickin sucks but not much I can do.

I just don't understand why it cut out. The quad was fine but a knocked up bumper and I had another guy take it two laps around the track and he was clearing things like I was almost and said it didn't sputter or give any problems. ??? Either way, ouch, and I probably screwed my season up. So not a good day today, and sorry for rambling on. (It took like 10mins to type this w/one hand basically.)

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#2 Post by Cdale_racer_669 »

that sux man. get beeter so u can go kick some more butt

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

Aw man!Sorry to hear you got hurt.Maybe wrist is a sprain and you will be better in no time.Either way hope you get back riding soon.

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#4 Post by Psychosis »

Thanks 669 and 27. The swelling started getting nuts and my wrist's numb so I think a hospital trip's in store. I guess I'll see what happens. Thanks all for the help so far and reading of my rants. 2nd year in a row that it looks like injury will cause me not to go after any series championships. Last year I ended up 3rd in one but missed two races due to a fairly bad knee injury. Wish me luck!:usa

EDIT: One more thing that sucks is that lately I
ve pretty well lost all fear of jumps which is probably my downfall here. Took awhile but finally broke through the shell and since this year started I've went from C class through to the front of B class and at some track like AX ones, A class already. Has really been a breakthrough season for me in short time already.

And I realized that the 250R kit really rocks on the track!

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#5 Post by Sandstorm »

My cast comes off my right wrist next week. Two hairline cracks into the joint. If you have dislodged bone you are in for pins and a very long recovery. Hopefully yours broke like mine did.. The less you try and use your wrist w/ the cast the faster it will heal. Free advise since this is my second go around. The first one was 20yrs ago..

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#6 Post by Psychosis »

Had it check today and got off easy I guess. They didn't put a cast on it but a wrap-like thing. Very small hairline fracture. No racing for awhile it looks like. I'm supposed to return in 2-3 weeks to have it checked on. Either way I lost my chance in 2 series' now I was racing. Possibly a 3rd but luckily there's only one more race before the month long break so I'm saved.

Guess I'll see what happens now. Just one less Dale for Hon/Yam riders to complain about when they get beat.

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#7 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

heh... I had a bad day too, was runnign 4th, trying to do everything I could to pass this guy (he wasn't jumpign everything, but was fast on straits, and would block me on every jump) so I tried to pass him in the whoops, ended up going over the bars to last place, then I was catchign the last 2 people and my rear wheel came off.

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#8 Post by dalewannbe »

Hey Psychosis, hope you heal fast. Sorry to hear about your misfortunes.

I think you need to follow my philosophy, which is I'm just always happy when I can walk away from the race with myself and the quad in one piece. Of course then you probably won't be winning much......sounds like your a lot younger the me though.

Get better soon and give those honda's and yammiea some more heck.

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#9 Post by krash »

Ouch!!! sorry to hear that you got hurt, just make sure you let yourself heal completely before you give'r **** again. keep us posted on your recovery.

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#10 Post by Derno24 »

Keep your head up man!!!

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