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Race for the Cure---Missouri

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:19 pm
by Happyboy
Well, let me explain the weather. Dry, dry, dry, with a chance or dry, followed by a bit more dry. Wow, this sucked!! I have never ridden in weather this bad. The car temp showed 104 after the race and the dirt was a fine powder. This made the trails very trechorous if you were too close to someone. Overall, it was a fun time. The course was really cool but just too dry. If it had rained then the race would have been awesome.

To start with we didn't start the race at the course. This race started in town and raced to the normal course. We are guessing this was about a 2 mile trail before we got back to the course. And the course was 9 miles. So, lap #1 was LONG!!

We get paraded across an over pass that the cops had closed and then through town. We roll down through the middle of town and then line up at the bottom of the hill infront of a creek and bridge. Its a laman's style start but there were too many of us for a 1 line start. So I got stuck in the second row and just had to wait on the people in front to go. Go figure I parked behind someone that didn't start too well.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:23 pm
by Happyboy
I had my quad running and ready to go and the guy in front of me had troubles. People were peeling off and I was stuck!! Well, the one good thing that came out of this was as soon as they hit the creek a 400ex stalled and caused a major bottle neck for most of the riders. I got a late start so I steered to the left of them. Here I am all by my lonesome. I managed to get like 10th out of the creek. Maybe better but we just don't know.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:29 pm
by Happyboy
We make it across the creek and I dive in behind someone and we hit the trails. We immediately know this is going to suck when we emerge from the trail into an open area and can no longer see the trail. It was gone!! The dust was so thick all we could see was the rider's helmet in front of us. I was freaking out. We hit 3rd gear and all I could do was watch the guy in front of me and hope he knew where he was going. He and I popped out of the dust and went above the trail for a while along some railroad tracks. This gave us a chance to catch up with the others as we could see but after a few seconds the dust below stopped! We missed the turn. So, U turn it is and we make it back into the trails.

We go and go and cough and wheeze. The 2 of us then come upon a C class rider (oh yeah, we were running C-Vet) on a warrior stuck at the top of a very small hill. He got high centered or something. We stopped for a second to see what he was doing but he didn't have a clue. So he takes off through the woods to find a spot and so do I. I dove up the hill really close to him and I got stuck. Go figure right after I get going again the warrior makes it out and gets back in front!! So, after riding his butt for a bit he gets out of the way.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:36 pm
by Happyboy
Well, about 5 miles go by and nothing eventfull. I am getting tired but am happy becuase I haven't pushed too hard yet. I have passed a couple people from C class and me an a preddy from Vet have passed each other a couple times. I come out into an open area that is a field made up of small rocks and alot of sand!!! Whoops!! I love me some whoops!! he he he

Well, I pin the throttle and get hauling. I can see some dust trails ahead so I plan on catching them. This was prob 1/2 mile open area so plenty of space to do some fast riding. I hold it WOT up through 4th gear and blow past 1 guy. Man, the suspension is soaking up everything!! I just put houser +1 LT on the front with some elka elites and some Flexx bars and I am loving it!!! So, I am approaching the woods again and there is a guy that heard me coming. lol, he kept looking back and let me pass right before the woods.

Another mile goes by and then I hit a hill climb. Not a big deal......USUALLY!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:41 pm
by Happyboy
I start going up the hill and there are 2 guys stuck half way up on the left. So I pick a line just to the right of them. As I start up the hill a guy steps out right in front of me!! I slam on the brakes and start yelling. Well, I come to a stop. I tried and tried to get going again but I just kept wheeling. My Razors IIs were hooking up way too good and I couldn't make it. I hopped off and muscled it over to some trees and tried over and over. Well, this is where it killed me. After trying my hardest for like 5 minutes I was puckered out. I couldn't try anymore. I sat down and chilled. I was spent. I must have sat there for like 15 minutes trying to catch my breath. I sucked down what remaining fluid I had left in my camel back and tried coughing up the dirt.

I finally sucked it up and yanked my quad back down the hill. I cruised back down frontwards and hung a U-turn. Made it back up the hill but I wouldn't be able to make up that kind of time. So, I just cruised through the rest of the lap and went in to refill my camelback.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:48 pm
by Happyboy
So, after chilling there for a good 10 minutes Jeremy pulls in. He was about to be sick from the dirt and heat and said he quit. He just finished 2 laps!! Man, this got me feeling even worse about how I was doing. So, I wrap it up and hit the trails again. I blew enough time drinking water and talking to Jeremy.

My second lap went much better. I was happy with my time of ~45 minutes for the 9 miles. I didn't really have any problems on the 2nd lap, just was wore out. My arms were turning to jello and I was getting bad sloppy. Time to slow it down and be carefull. I made it through everything pretty well and made it right up the hill climb this time.

I placed 15th out of 21 in my division. Not to good but considering how bad of shape I was in I was happy to get 2 laps in. Time was 2:03 for the ~20 miles. Overall I placed 94th out of ~200 riders. There were quite a few people that pulled in after the 1st lap and quit from getting sick.

Overall, I am happy. For a recreational rider this was ok.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:49 pm
by Happyboy
This is a pic as we emerged from the woods into the big open area.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:54 pm
by Happyboy
Here is a shot of Jeremy crossing the creek.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:55 pm
by Happyboy
and him entering the open area.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:09 pm
by jlm996s
Nice write up! I'm still couging up dirt! :mad: