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Woodland Washington

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 10:28 pm
by LapTraffic
I was talking to a member on this forum, 'ppogue' a few weeks back. He mentioned an MX race in woodland on the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd.

Didnt have anything planned so I said I would be there. This would be my first MX race.

I got in Friday night, a friend was visiting and in fact picked me up from the aiport. I hadn't seen him in awhile and forgot to invite him to my wedding so I couldnt blow him off and go work on my bike which I badly needed to do before leaving on the 2.5 hour drive in the morning for the Saturday Practice session.

We stayed up drinking beer and BS'ing until after midnight and went to bed.

I got up at 5:30 and went down to install my engine mount update kit, put on new grips and give the bike a thorough once over.

Had the wife up by 7:30 and we were on the road.

Since I work in California and have my truck there we generally borrow her parents 96 ford for taking the quad places. They needed it that weekend and since the Acura doesnt tow (actually, I dont know if it does or not, but the wife says "NO TOW KIT ON THE CAR" so it's a moot point anyway.) that being the case I had to find alterior transportation to get to the race.

Her parents have this OLD truck, a 69 ford ranger. It ran decent enough so I bought it for 600 bucks to use as my quad truck.

Kim and I hit the road on the 150+ mile drive in a truck that hadnt been driven in a year with me seriously questioning the merits of my recent purchase. A 600 dollar truck towing an 8000 dollar quad... I do believe Ive lost my mind.

It rained NON STOP the whole way down on Saturday. Not having any 8-tracks handy we made the trip in relative silence at a nice safe 55mph, the truck simply did not like to go faster than that.

Got to the track without incident and unloaded the quad. The track was a complete quagmire, though it had at least stopped raining.

I got out and took the course slow for a lap, feeling things out. There was one actual triple that I had no hope of clearing (about 70' ) and I dont think the course was set up to be able to do so. Even then, the double portion was about 45-50 feet. Pretty tall take off with a tabled downside about 6 feet down. Really short downside.

Save a table top about 50' on the back straight that was it. The rest of the course was cordoned off due to deep mud.

After a few laps it was pretty clear that I wasnt going to be clearing that double. I was bummed there wasnt something smaller to play on.

10 practice laps and I was completely covered in mud, and I mean COVERED. I think I weighed 30 pounds more than when I started!

We washed the quad and went to get a hotel for the night.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 10:44 pm
by LapTraffic
We got to the track the next morning as the kids races were winding up.

ppogue (Hereafter to be known as Paul) found me and said, "Man, did you pick the perfect day to race!" I thought he was making some smart assed reference to the mud. "Kory Ellis is here with a Pro Buddy!"

My jaw hit the ground, we walked down through the parking lot and sure enough, there was Kory Ellis with his Cannondale and Z400.

Paul said that he was pulling his name from the 4stroke class and putting it into the Open / Pro to be able to run with Kory. Paul's coming off a pretty brutal accident, but wasnt about to pass up an opportunity like that.

I couldnt have agreed more and put my name in Open / Pro as well. Paul's good friend, another Corey riding a tricked out CRF 450 motored 400ex would join. My first MX race was going to be in good company.

They changed the course a bit from the day before to include a small table top on the backside and peaked overpass about 12-15 feet high off the final straight.

We did a few practice laps. and then got ready for our moto.

They decided to line us up with the Pros staged about 15 yards in front of us, all going at the same time.

The green flag was up. I revved the bike ready for my second gear launch from the cement pad. The flag Dropped! Pop the clutch and GO!

CRAP!!! I stalled! The rest of the field tore off down the straight for the hole shot with me on the starting line trying to get my bike started. It took forever! Finally fired and I was off.

Heres the picture of the holeshot. Kory on the right (Sorry the pictures are so screwed up this time, we forgot our Nice camera at home and used a disposable...) His buddy on the Cannondale is inside, followed by Corey on the black 450ex and Paul on his tricked out Cannondale. It should be noted, that both Paul and Corey are closer than they were originally staged. It's too bad they didnt give everyone an opportunity to get the hole shot with the pros, I think both of these guys would have given them a serious run for their money. (not pictured... ME! Im still trying to get my freaking bike started... first race jitters...)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 10:55 pm
by LapTraffic
I ran hard and caught back up with the tail end of the pack. Made a few passes, saw some wrecks and basically ran my a$$ off.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 10:56 pm
by LapTraffic
Here's a pic of Kory on lap 2

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 10:58 pm
by LapTraffic
Kory's Pro Buddy on the Cannondale same Corner ( I dont rememebr the guys name)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:00 pm
by LapTraffic
Me on same corner (Note, picture taken "Way after Kory had passed by" as said by my loving wife smile.gif)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:12 pm
by LapTraffic
I honestly dont know how many laps we ran, maybe 10? Towards the end I felt someone coming up hard on my 6, I put the hammer down, I was absolutely exhausted! Hard brake around a 180, Then pined it down the back straight to the table top. Hit the table top pinned in fifth look left and there is Kory, Lapping me in the air. Finish the moto as the last running bike to cross. Those I passed DNF'd, I have no idea of my actual position in the moto. I was too tired to care.

Take that whole Iron Man Desert race and roll it into this moto, that's how I felt. I was mouth breathin by the second lap and completely wrung out by the end. Screwing up the start really broke the concentration and I just ran poorly.

Went to wash my bike and when I parked it I noticed the fan run for a LONG TIME. Got it clean making sure to spray out the radiator. Very tough to start to get back to the truck. Pulled the front plastic and the coolant bottle was empty. Shut the bike down and went to get some water. The return hose had come off, nothing serious.

Replaced the water and went to start the bike. It wont fire! Theyre calling through the motos again. Ive got about 10 minutes before my race and the bike's battery is gone. The fan running has taken it down.

I run around the pits asking if anyone has a charger. A guy finally produces one, being there is no electricity I push the bike the 100+ yards to his trailer to get the jump (nothing like a nice relaxing rest period between motos) Get the bike on the charger an am able to start it 5 minutes later.

Back to the truck for more tear offs and Im out to the track.

Things move quicker this time, the moto in front of us is gone and we're on the line, then revving then the flag drops.

Now I'm sure this will come with practice, but I screwed this one up too. I cant hear my bike with everyone elses revving right next to you. I try to compensate, dont want to stall it again, and end up riding a magnificient wheelie down the straight to the hole shot.

Not the best in the world, but not bad either.

The 2 pros were again lined up well in front of us and this picture is taken right as they passed the hole shot. Paul is hot on the heals with an unknown 400ex on the out side. Corey on his 450ex is right behind follewed by me with what I think is a banshee fender on my inside, I took him through the corner.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:17 pm
by LapTraffic
I was in much more control this race and ran much faster.

The course was drying out and was getting rough in places, but anything is better than the mud.

Some pics coming through straight before the table top
This is Kory

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:25 pm
by LapTraffic
I got lapped by Kory late in the moto, and then caught a glimpse of the Pro Cannondale catching up. I really let it out, I ran with him for a bout 3/4 of a lap, neck and neck over the table top, through the sweeper and over the over pass, I wasnt aware I could go THAT fast, before backing off a bit and letting him by.

It felt good to run that hard and I ended the moto in fifth place feeling 10 times better than I had at the end of the first moto.

Went and said goodbye to Paul and Corey (great guys) and drove 2.5 hours home to spend the next 3 hours cleaning the bike.

After this race I am DEFINITELY getting some front suspension. I took a **** of a beating.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:44 pm
by ppogue
you really need to write for dirtwheels. Awesome article, I wish we could have actually given the pros a run for their money, but, I guess that's why they are pros and we are not.
It was great meeting you and I encourage all C-dale riders to try and make the WORCS race at Washougal Washington. It should be another great event and I vow to actually keep at least one of the pros in my sights for one lap!