"THE RACE" October 29 in Morrison IL

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"THE RACE" October 29 in Morrison IL

#1 Post by dalewannbe »

"THE RACE" - is part of my promoters OMA national series. He has held races in Ohio, Arkansas, WI, Millville MN. His website is unitedoffroadracing.com

Anyway this race is pretty cool as it is a 15-20 loop. Normally you race for an hour and a half and last year most riders did 2 laps in that hour and a half.

The course encompassses several different farms, so there are some nice long straight away's across corn and soybean fields. We will also cross a couple roads and go under a couple roads.

I didn't do this race last year but did it the prior year.

There shouldn't be any impossible spots or big hills (this is Illinois where most the land is land), but there will be some whoops, some woods, some water crossings, and depending on the weather some mud.

The course is nice with the long straight aways because they give you a chance to rest and just pin the throttle.

It would be great to get a bunch of guys from the site there and have a litte mini group ride/race.

I have talked to a couple people already and it sounds like 27 is going to be here and possibly bring some locals with him.

I'm trying to convince RX440 and his son XCDale to come also. RX440 and XCDale and myself race together at Foxvalley, near Ottawa, IL so I'll work on them next weekend.

Please ask any questions you may have.

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#2 Post by XCDale »

You can count me in. I don't foresee it interfering with any exams or big deadlines so I am planning on going.

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#3 Post by dalewannbe »

Does that mean your dad's coming too?
I'll take you to a few spots and give you the few pointers I have.

I'll see you next Sunday.

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#4 Post by cannondale27 »

I am gonna make this one also.Trying to get a few more guys to give it a shot also.As out of shape as I am it gonna be a challenge for sure.Hope more can make it.

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#5 Post by wanablaze »

As "THE RACE" is only about an hour from me, I'll be there! Doesn't sound like my bike will be done, but I'll still make the trip. I'll gladly designate myself as part of the pit crew and give a hand. I hope to meet a few new people.

Gus, Thank you for offering to let me use your other Cannondale. I really appreciate it. However, I know that I'd beat the snot out of it, and I'd feel bad knowing I'd break it. wink.gif Thanx again for the offer. If you need anything, let me know, I have some spare parts. Same for you, 27! See you there!

Thanx, wanablaze.

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Time to bring this back to the top

#6 Post by dalewannbe »

27 and XCDale are coming for sure. RX440 is going to try and be there.

Did I mention there will be some nice long straight aways across corn fields and soybean field.

I went through a corn field in today's race, but never got out of 2nd gear. The trail through the field look liked it was mad by a drunk on a lawn mower.......way to many switch backs to get going too fast. I took out my fair of corn stalks today.

Iceracer and Wistech, you guys can just ride down with 27 biggrin.gif

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#7 Post by Psychosis »

I'd consider making this. I got out of woods racing and haven't done hardly any this year. The quad's not even really setup for it either. Not sure if I can though. 5hr drive and my XC shocks are pretty much shot. I planned on sending them to be redone and all I have is a set of spare front shocks set for a rider 80lbs heavier than me for MX and some ARVINS! NOT FUN IN THE WOODS.

What is the place the race is at like anyway? Free camping, nearby hotels, facilities like possible showers? Just kind of wondering. Might be able to get loaned a pair of shocks to run and if there's many C'Daler's up there it might be worth the drive just to meet everyone.

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#8 Post by dalewannbe »

I believe you can camp at the Bike Barn, there however are no showers there. There is a hotel in Morrison, but I don't the cost or anything like that. It isn't the nicest place, but its close. Also close, less than 15 minutes is a holiday inn, and comfort inn in Rock Falls, IL.

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Free T-Shirts for pre registers

#9 Post by dalewannbe »

I thought I'd throw that out there. If you pre register, then you get a free T-Shirt. If you know your coming for sure, then I suggest pre registering and getting a shirt. Entry forms are at the www.unitedoffroadracing.com

Note for Tom> these shirts are normally a lot nicer than the ones we got at Fox Valley.

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#10 Post by dalewannbe »

Okay it looks like 27, RX440, and XCdale are going to be there, and maybe wannablaze spectating. Is anyone interested in stopping over at my house after the race for burgers and some barley sodas or regular sodas? I live less than 10 minutes away.

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