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Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:37 am
by badvox
Well after lots of time has passed I was finally able to get my son dominic out on the track for a race.
I figured that Im there I may as well give it a go. I have been practicing for the last couple months
and though still way rookie as long as I survived I consider it a success.

Lake Elsinore is located in Southern California and is one of the only tracks in Cali to offer a quad only track. Turns out we didnt even race on the quad track on this day so it was a brand new track.
The weather was insane. If you hadn't heard we'd been having a heat wave the last week and temps were 106+ on Sunday. With a watered track who knows?

We arrived at the track to setup at about 7 am. We got all unpacked and comfortable so we go to sign up. I think we were both starting to get excited and nervous at the same time. My son was signed up for the 71cc - 90cc stock class. I signed up for the 450 C Class but after practice spoke with a bunch of the vets and they all told me to get in the Vet +30 class. They said it would be much safer for me. I hadnt thought about it before but it made sense to me so I switched.

The Dominator's Race #122 (my sons nickname :-) )

My heart was pumping I dont know about him but Im sure it was too. Moto #1 he got out of the gate pretty good and through turn one untouched. He got comfy around lap #3. I could tell because he started trying the jumps.

He finished very strong in 4th overall for Moto #1. The moto was combined with the stock and mod classes.
So he was totally stoked with it all. Finishing, competing, he loved it all.

Moto #2 Came around and you could tell he was more used to the whole idea of racing. Moto 2 he finished up 3rd overall. It was a great day and I think he may be hooked.

I'll put my pathetic day in a reply to this post :-)

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:15 am
by badvox
So the boys story was much better than mine. :-) I almost missed the start of my first moto. We couldn't hear a **** thing from the speakers they had and I rushed up there just n time. Rookie mistake maybe but Im sure I'll do it again. LOL

My goals for this first ever race for me was to stay out of the way of the open pro's :-) , don't crash, complete all laps, and go to work the next day. If I could do that I would be a happy man.

So, as soon as the gate dropped on Moto #1 I had instant dry mouth. Too much addrenaline and too many butterflies. I got to the first turn just in time for the major pile up and a mud splattering. LOL I was able to stay with the pack right up to the first series of jumps. Im not much of a jumper yet but Im getting used to it. So pretty much by myself I just tried to keep up which was tough not being able to do all the jumps. I could do 2 of them but the others I need to work on my overall speed through the corners to make 'em.
An unfortuneate crash by another rider put me in 4th out of 5 for +30. I survived my first ever moto!

Start of Moto #2 was following an intermission for the water truck. This was sure to make nothing but a mess. The track was already a mud pit to begin with. Anyway off we go...

Unlike Moto #1 I was able to keep up with everyone for about 3/4 of a lap due to the mud boggs. It wasnt me it just slowed everyone else down LOL. I was definitely more comfortable on certain sections and cleared the 2 easy jumps...

Couln't get that finish line table at all. Just couldnt do that turn fast enough. NEXT TIME FO SHO

Then there was the haul arse straight to turn one...

Well thats all of the good now for the bad... :-( I was coming around the turn at the finish line table
and got a little sideway right at takeoff from the inside line which was slick as snot. Well I had no choice but to let off throttle a little bit and you all know what happens then...

Then there was the jump that almost was... I almost went over on this baby.

After these 2 near disasters I decided I better chill and concentrate on my final goal which was to complete all laps and go to work the next day. :-)

Yes, I survived and ended up 4th for my class out of 5. I got lucky and didnt place last. HAHA Bonus!

Okay, this follow-up is just a post for pics of of other riders and some 2 wheelers that were on the main track on Sunday. All in all aside from the 106+ temps it was a great great day!!

Check out the air on these 2 wheeled nuts.



Oops okay this is a follow on post with pics of other riders. A pretty entertaining bunch.
The cool thing for a local track is that I have been on the practice track with most of these
guys on my Friday ditch work days HA HA. Anyone on the left coast should come out on
a Friday man its a blast and way laid back.







Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:11 am
by UpsMan
Congratulations on your first race! That is awesome.