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Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:53 pm
by theJeStEr1340
So the weekend started crappy, I ordered a pipe wed. and had to have it one dayed here because it wasn't going to be sent out till thursday. Well the duffus on the phone got my zip code wrong and it went to some little podunk town 1.5 hrs away. So my dad went there to pick it up and I went to the national with bikes in tow to hopefully get soem good parking. I get there, hang out for a while and my dad pulls up with my pipe.. but it didn't come with a hanger or spacer, great. so I put it on and use alum. cans to to space it in the Streetbike can hanger. Get it on, it looks good, but won't fire. Immediately I check for gas flow, nothing comes out fo the return. I punch out the internals of the quick connect and put it back together, Gas flows and it fires right up. I push it under the pop up and lower it down, everything is ready for tech in the morning.

Morning comes I start the bike to warm up and go put boots on because I planned to go from tech to practice. When I got back to the bike it had shut off and wouldn't start. This thing fouled the first plug it has ever fouled. there was 24 minutes of tech left so me and pops hurried to change the plug while he waited for the village idiot (his gf) to get back with his key. Changed the plug, fired right up and I went through tech, passed. Came back and leaned the bike out a little because it was running liek crap and it helped, then went to practice.

Practice was great, bike felt smooth gearing was right and I seemed to be passing a lot of people in my class. The bike would hesitate out of one corner though, it would get to 7000 or 8000rpm and hiccup there then go again. This got progressivly worse there all day, it would happen every lap and by the main I would be going down this stretch with the throttle pinned and it not going any faster.

I did win my Open C heat only to be protested by this guy who built a dinosaur and was pissed I stomped all over him (he got 4th out of 6). I got 2nd in 265/450 C. I got switched to 16-24 because of the open C deal (the class went from 24 riders to 12 because this guy's protest). I got my butt handed to me in the 16-24 heat, didn't qualify and in the LCQ was running the last transfer spot (blockign the best I could bike was still acting up in the same spot every time) and this guy just rams me in a corner and takes us both out.

enjoy the pics, there is 321 of them.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:04 pm
by jesshamner
That sounds like a crappy weekend. Good luck at the next one!

I guess the guy protested that you were sandbagging?

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:27 pm
by cannondale27
Cool pics though!

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:39 pm
by theJeStEr1340
I guess the guy protested that you were sandbagging?

the weekend was pretty crappy and I will be at Ashtabula the 22nd. I hope a bunch of people come out.

The guy protested "The rule" that you have to have a 451cc+ bike, so the rider rep knowing a bunch of us were running smaller bikes (he made a comment about it before the race) asked everyone and DQed everyone on smaller bikes.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:52 pm
by cannondale27
Geeze I always thought you could bump up classes.Probably changed so 250r's couldnt run.That sucks

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:54 am
by hogman
You know i deal with this problem alot at gnc MX races. I have been running a raptor in open c and it really tough to beat a yfz or 450r on an mx track with a raptor. I have done it, but i know it cost me the win at the birch creek national this year. I ended up in third behind 2 yfz's that were both running in other 450 and below classes. My real issue with this is that there are PLENTY of classes for 450 and below machines to race it but there is only one for raptors and predators and banshees and so on. So maybe next time choose a class that you belong in or build and open class cdale like im doing. My Timbo 505 will hopefully be running its first gnc mx race later this month at unadilla.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:48 am
by cannondale27
So how were the YFZ's allowed at MX?Its supposed to be same rules for either series class wise.Open class should be just that.Anything goes unless its a hinderance.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:48 am
by theJeStEr1340
Geeze I always thought you could bump up classes.Probably changed so 250r's couldnt run.That sucks

They changed the rule for 06.v the thing is this guy was running a 350 PV R a very fast bike, he just couldn't ride it.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:43 pm
by dalewannbe
Jester, hoperully you get all your little bugs worked out. Nothing more frustrating than trying to race and having some litte problem complicated things. Its always frustrating when its your fault, its even more frustrating when its the quad's fault. Good luck at the next one. Keep us posted on what you find out.

You made sure your battery connection were all tight, correct?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:09 am
by theJeStEr1340
it won't start when it is hot period. I ran a GPX race (TT, MX and trails in 1) this weekend, today in fact, and I stalled and it wouldn't start, it wouldn't even start being pull started. Yeah, I know that is bad but who cares when you are racing. I am dropping the motor tomorrow and putting a new piston in it and will be leaning it out, the plug shows very very very rich, I am surprised I am not fouling them.

I hope the leaning will fix "burp" on the bottom and the hot start. I really need to get this thing on a dyno.

Oh yeah, XC is fun.