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Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:44 pm
by hogman
Well i got back from the national early yesterday as i wasnt able to race.

Friday practice

First practice went well quad ran geat as usual and other than a few minor changes the track was just as it was last year. I felt fast and was hopefull of a good finish.

Second practice all seems normal except for a stall and some stubborn starting before heading out for practice, but once on the track everything was good.

Third practice the weather looked as though it was going south and we were warned of possible hail and 60mph winds so i just packed up and headed to the hotel no need to get soaked.

Saturday practice

In the moning all seemed well quad started right up as always and i headed over to tech inspection. After checking my kill switch i had another stubborn start. It seemed odd to me but everything seemed normal during the 3 lap practice

Fist moto

Had an ok start probably 6th or 7th and right away start moving up by dodgeing a spinout or 2. Almost 3/4 of the first lap down and i try to make a pass on the outside and i end up getting tangled up and pitched off the side. I jump back up quickly and amazingly the quad fires right back up. I finish the first lap hot headed and **** bent on catching up. I spend the majority of the second lap alone but im pushing hard and closing on a group of riders. It takes all of lap 2 to catch them but i start lap 3 back in the hunt. I spend most of lap 3 picking off riders one by one. Towards the end of the lap i just behind a rider as we head up a big hill after the skyshot the dale had been very fast here so i pin it and blow past him up the hill. At the top of the hill is a slight drop off and then the finish line jump. Just after the drop off the dale starts making a VERY loud noise it sounds just like the normal rattle the dales make only way louder i try to continue but the noise persists and power drops off until she just dies. So there i sit for the last lap until i get towed back.

So thats pretty much how my weekend ended. I havnt had a chance to do any through checks but i checked some simple things. The flywheel is not spun and the is no metal in the oil filter. The engine will crank over just fine and dosnt seem to make any abnormal noises but does not start. My only question is is it possible the fuel pump died? The noise seemed to come from the left side and the quad stopped running slowly. With the lack of metal in the filter and normal way it cranks over i hoping maybe its not catastrophic engine failure but maybe a fuel pump failure.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:32 am
by cannondale27
Yes or even battery.That sucks.You must be pretty darn fast to catch up like that!Nice job.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:11 pm
by wistech
Sounds like that engine ran without oil for a very long time. All internals are completely melted. To bad for such an awesome engine.