Double Report...

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#1 Post by yamadjs08 »

Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted a report. Theres been plenty of racing going on, just no reports. I'll post my last two races in my home series IATVHSS.

So I'll start out with a race I had on July 8th. It was a race in my favorite series the Iowa ATV Harescramble Series. This is the only series that I attend to every race and try to run for points. This race was at Waukon, IA. A place that many other series race at also, it has awesome land and makes for a great track. It was said that this was going to be our last time racing there, so I guess they decided to make it ridiculously rough. This track ended up being brutal! Waukon is always jokingly called "Rockon" because of the nasty rocks and creek bottoms.

I had ended up racing my dads Cannondale because the day before we left for the race I noticed a bit of a noise with mine and lots of metal showed up in tranny filter. So I just switched my tires and rims over and called it good. I wasn't sure whether or not it was going to finish or not because to be honest this quad doesn't have much time on it since the motor was built. Luckily it finished with no issues what so ever. It was nice racing a quad that looked pretty good for once compared to my ugly red beater haha.

I ended up with a 7th place which honestly surprised me. This track was 10.3 miles long and our lap times ended up being around 30 minutes each. As usual we race for 2 hours, and let me just say it was the longest 2 hours of my life... It was ****, by my second lap I was done for. Each time I came into the checkpoint I was so close to just pulling in and quiting. I got 4 laps in and I was glad to hear the race was over when I pulled in because it was going to be over for me whether the checkered flag was out or not. When I seen that I got 7th I was pretty happy considering my last lap I milked it bad, just taking my sweet time trying to finish. I believe there were almost 30 other people in my class so I was cool with my finish.

Here are some pictures, definitely not that great...

At the line.

Me being dumb...

Coming in at the checkpoint.

Coming in at the checkpoint the next lap... You can see the barn that we ride though right before the checkpoint.

Getting scanned on the last lap, FINALLY!

Talking to my dad right after the race...

Sorry for the pictures, I wish there were some better ones, but this track is huge and really spread out, my dad couldn't get around the track very fast so he just stayed at the start/checkpoint area.

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#2 Post by yamadjs08 »

Ok for the next report...

This race was actually just yesterday (Sunday) and it was HOT HOT HOT. We didn't end up camping and instead drove down early that morning and the whole way down it rained. We get within 20 miles of the race and there is no rain. The track needed rain really bad, it was dangerous with the amount of dust there was. I again ended up racing my dads quad, I'm finally getting around to tearing mine down, I guess when you have the luxury of another quad to race things don't get done quickly on your own quad haha.

OK, I'll be quick with this report. Like I said ridiculously hot and dusty, didn't make for a great race. I got a terrible start and with all the dust a guy in front of me got hung up on one of the hay bails that we go in between. So of course in the dust I hit him and then I get hit from behind. So it totally ruined my start, me and 4-5 other guys were now way behind and dead last...

Finally get untangled and get racing and throughout the first lap there were tons of wrecks, all because of the dust. I race in the young C class and I've decided that I'm moving up to B next year. Simply because of the maturity of the riders. Racing in C class with a bunch of inexperienced riders who get in over their head is crazy. So of course all the wrecks delay things even worse. There was over 30 people in my class and by the second lap I had finally worked my way up to 14 coming all the way back from 3rd to last. I really cramped up my second lap and it sucked, I wanted to quit so bad, the heat was really getting to me and the dust was terrible. I stuck it out and luckily my third lap went much better, I finally loosened up and picked up the pace a bit. This track was around 7.5 miles long, about average. It was a really tight track with most of the track darting in between tight trees, locked out right, locked out left and over and over. Luckily I cranked up my idle before the race, so I didn't have to clutch much and the Cannondale would just motor on through. When we would get into an open area it was really rough, and you couldn't pass much anyways because of the dust. It would be crazy to pass in this dust. When I finished my 4th lap they had a board up that said 10 minutes, I was bummed, hoping it would have been over ha. I was definitely overheated my last lap and I milked it bad. Luckily everyone was, I didn't get passed and even passed a few guys that weren't in my class and I was seriously taking it easy. This last lap couldn't have taken any longer I started feeling real sick and almost couldn't take it anymore.

I finally finished and after a bottle of water started feeling real real sick. Almost throwing up and just generally feeling really bad. Definitely had a small heat stroke. The rest of the day I felt terrible just trying to drink fluids and keep them down. I ended up with 11th which I'm not proud of but it was all I could do in the heat. My terrible start and hang up really ruined things for me but I was just happy to finish in the heat. We later found out that a heim joint or whatever you would call it, the knuckle that the tie rod end sits on ended up being real loose on the stem. Another lap and it would have fell off. I thought something felt loose in the front end, but I could have cared less that last lap, just figured it was me ha. But besides that another one down for my dads Cannondale, I'm starting to have a bit of faith in the ol' girl.

Sorry for the long report haha!

Here are some pictures, again not that great...

On the line.

Taking off, you can see how bad my start is...

This is one of the coolest pictures, my dad happened to get a picture right when I nailed the kid in front of me, you can see he hit the hay bail and then I hit him... Rear end up in the air and everything.

Another shot, you can see all the guys who hit me and got hung up... This took forever.

About freed up finally...

Coming around a bend right after one of the open sections...

In line waiting to get scanned, this is another cool picture because you can see the two guys behind me getting tangled up, one of them tried cutting in and it didn't work out haha.

Getting scanned...

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#3 Post by yamadjs08 »

I wish the pictures would do justice for the dust, it was a lot worse than it looks. In the woods it was ridiculous...

Taking off from the checkpoint.

The stretch right before the checkpoint... Last lap finally!

Me downing a bottle of water which I would seconds later almost throw up... Oh, and I know I need a hair cut haha.

Thats it for now, maybe I will upload some more pictures later if I can find some better ones. Definitely more reports to come. Thanks for reading!

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#4 Post by cannondale27 »

Thank You for the awesome reports!Great job and those are really nice pics.

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#5 Post by UpsMan »

Good job. I don't like dust either. I would rather have mud. My smart assed wife told me that if I was out in front, it wouldn't be so dusty.

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#6 Post by kdeal »

LOL biggrin.gif

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