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Quickest Starts?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 5:40 pm
by NRath
I've always launched in first with pretty good results. Good clutch and throttle control and quick shifts gets me out of the hole pretty quick. That's what I did at the group ride during the drag sessions and nobody left me out of the hole.

Many people talk about 2nd and 3rd gear starts. So I tried some in 2nd yesterday. I still don't see it being quicker. So, maybe my technique was wrong. I was wound up to about 7-8 k and slipping the clutch to get off. It didn't seem that quick. Do you guys wind it up and dump it, or slip it?

I'm looking for the quickest way, but didn't find it yesterday.:confused:

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:48 am
by cannondale27
It works best in slippery conditions like concrete or dusty starts.What I do is hold throttle about 1/4 open(I have a notch cut in grip so I can see if there is too much noise to hear mine)when gate drops or flag I slip clutch till motor is just about to bog a bit then wide open and popclutch.You will leave line about same as most usually in top three then in about 5ft or so you will oull ahead and just keep pulling doing this also gives you option of not even shifting before the turn usually want to though.I run 14-39 gearing with 18HoleshotMX's or for Woods 14-42 20Holeshots.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:06 am
by dalewannbe
Your hare scrambles are not dead start? Would you use this techique for dead starts too?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:11 am
by cannondale27
Yes but I will admit I have done more catching up on the dead engine starts.Very hard to get right since you cant touch throttle while starting it.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:23 am
by J. Delaney
In the dunes I start in first, WOT, and dump the clutch. You gotta be ready to shift though. After about 10ft, hit second.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:27 am
by Derno24
Harescrambles I am more worried about getting the bike to crank fast. I leave it in nuetral and then kick to 1st when the engine is started.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:35 am
by aroracer72
I used second gear starts when i was racing a 125 dirtbike, i was a B class rider, and almost always got the holeshot. First put it in second(duhh), then, as you would taking off......right when the light turns green..start to apply a little more gas as you ease more on the throttle, like a fast take off as you would just taking off in first riding trails or something, so start at dead the light hits yellow, make shure its in second..then green..start easing the clutch out as you apply more throttle, get the combo right..and you'll ROCKET out of the gate...i dont find flooring and dumping effective, the 2nd gear start is really only effective in sand/loamy/ gravel...and concrete..clay..use 1st. Try this, and get it right...youll see it works. And by the way, at the dunes, ii never use first....unless im putting the quad on the trailer...1st is waistless in the dunes.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:27 pm
by NRath
27- Are you starting in 2nd or 3rd?

DWB and Derno- you ain't kidding about those starts! I've been last or near last off the line because of the slow starting of the 'dale. The dead engine start definitely makes a difference- a bad one!

Haydug and Jeff@TQS- any input?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:36 pm
by Derno24
Nrath- after talking to alot of different people including Rick Cecco and other A class people locally the thing is either to get the double battery set-up or to make sure you I/O setting are right on. I just started doing this tweaking the settings and I can tell you I can get it started as fast as my Z. Took me a little while to get this right, but no I think I have it. I also have the bigger stock sized battery.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:48 pm
by wanablaze
My bike fires right away, try adjusting the offset, i believe that it adjusts how much fuel the bike gets on starts. When my bike is warm, it fires instantly and I don't understand why everybody else says that the dales take longer. I am running a 7 amp batter if that helps. I think that the only reason that the dale wouldn't start right away would be if that offset number was off.