Macon Results!

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Macon Results!

#1 Post by USAMoto00 »

Well guys, let me just say this, ROUGH!sad.gif I didn't realize how bad this tracks conditions were going to be and just how bad of shape that I was in. Farrar, Michelle, and myself left 20 degree weather on Thurs. night and woke up Fri. morning to 82 degree happiness.:cool: We went over the bikes upon arriving at the track around 10:00. We signed up for practice and proceeded to have at it!smile.gif I went out, got to know the track for a lap or two and then started picking it up. I was jumping everything except the triples that were possible, but I was playing it safe. Farrar was ABUSING the track hard. The first practice was great with a near perfect track. The second time out I realized that something was at work here. And it was more than just my muscles! The track was transforming from the smooth, flat, sandy condition to a complete and ridiculous mile long set of big whoops to little whoops with a big jump here and there. I also noticed that you had to stay on the gas at all times to make the jumps without casing them. Don't get me wrong, they were all safe to case- they were just energy suckers!:cry: So, first day is over and we were excited to run qualifiers on Sat. Time to go to the hotel room and get some shut eye.:usa

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Second day- Sat.

#2 Post by USAMoto00 »

Okay, off and ready for day two and Qualifiers. Jason started the day off with his +25 class. Jason got a great holeshot (actually first), but let off a little to see where he was supposed to go after the first turn. He was riding very smooth and fast. No real problems or casualties in his race, and he finished a strong 6th place with some way fast guys out there. I was up next for my Prod. C class Qual. I was feeling great and confident on the start and was in 3rd at the first couple of turns. I had to dodge a few mishaps and pass some people back and forth with some wrecks on either side of me. I was in a solid 4th with 2 laps to go. Then it happened. I had NO STRENGTH! None at all to hold on. I slipped back to 9th with four guys right in front of me and 1 lap to go. I tried to muster all my strength for a last ditch effort, but there was nothing. No excuse for me other than not in shape. I was very disappointed to finish in that order when all I had to do was jump one more double and it would have got me in the Main. I just couldn't hold on though. My bad completely.:mad: Jason was next out for his Prod. A class run. Man, that guy can ride! He was blistering around the track making it look effortless to clear any and everything.:clap: He went on almost error free and finished in 5th!:wow When I said fast, I wasn't kidding! So, the day was almost over, NOT! I also entered the +30 class (Jason told me to) so I had to try and hold on for another 4 lapper! I was a little more relaxed for this race though and knew what I was up against.wink.gif I came out of the gate well and ended up going from 10th to 4th in two turns. I got tangled up in a wreck in turn 6 and it stalled me out because I hit so hard. I didn't see it because it was over one of the track formed moggles. It started up first stab though and off I went. I passed a few, I got passed by a few and basically just went into survival mode. I just tried to hold on and once again there were people right in front of me that I just couldn't find the strength to pass. I finished 7th and qualified!:clap: I was very happy to make it and decided to run the LCQ for the Prod. C too. I was there in my mind, but my body let me down. I just missed qualifying in the LCQ, but trust me, I didn't mind. I was too tired! I need a ton more conditioning! I'll finish the third and final day here in about an hour.:usa

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

These race reports are awesome!Never been to georgia but sand tracks are real endurance runs for sure.Cant wait to hear about mains:D

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#4 Post by cdrookie »

good report! i found out that if i put the biggest grips i can find on my bike, it greatly reduced arm pump. nothing measures your conditioning as much as a good, whooped out track!

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#5 Post by USAMoto00 »

Your right and I use Oury's, they are large. But, it didn't help at all! Sorry for the delay, managers keep bothering me. I'll get it done here shortly.:deal:

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#6 Post by cdalepilot »

what reduces arm pump is relaxing and proper breathing technique. lots and lots and lots of riding laps. good race report !smile.gif

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#7 Post by Ryanstones »


I love the

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#8 Post by Derno24 »

Nice report and you are right Pilot breathing helps a ton.

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#9 Post by cdalepilot »

does anybody know what the results for gnc rd 3 macon are ?ohmy.gif

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#10 Post by jcv440 »

Gust took 1st, natalie was 2nd, I think Jones 3rd. Farr was about mid pack.....:confused:

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