dutchman 4/4

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dutchman 4/4

#1 Post by cdrookie »

another race at the dutchman tomorrow. weather suppose to be rain and wind with temps 47/26. yeah. rained a good bit these last few days, so we're looking at another mudder. took a nap this afternoon and didn't wake up till around 9 so maint will be limited to whatever i feel like doing in the morning. don't know what derno's riding, better take the z(he he:p ) tune in tomorrow evening for results.

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#2 Post by Derno24 »

Well I will be riding the Z, but not for the reasons many of you will think. One of our fellow members needs an ECU so he can race tomorrow so I am giving him mine to use for the race. I hope you guys can forgive me. I will however be racing the Dale in the next weeks race at FT of the mountain, and the weekend after that in the GNCC at Loretta Lynn's

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#3 Post by cdrookie »

he didn't get his back YET???sad.gif :mad:

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#4 Post by cdrookie »

not the best way to start a day. the tear offs i got yesterday aren't the right ones.:mad: i forgot to wash my cold weather racing stuff:mad: went outside and it's raining steadily and temps are in the high 30's:( it's gonna be nasty to say the least! hopefully derno will leave the klaws on the z. they should be just about worthless in these conditions:)

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#5 Post by 02Cannibal »

Ok, I'm the one who needs the ECU. I was supposed to have it back for the weekend, but you know how that goes. So... Ron was nice enough to lend me his for this race. Any way, it's not fair to unleash the mighty 450 on all those YFZs just yet.

The last race at Dutchman ended with an eye injury and a 15th place finish. Now with Ron's brains running the show, what will happen? Will I inherit his bad luck and DNF? Will I inherit his good luck and get one of those paper weights for myself? Will Rookie lead the way and take top honors?

Tune in next post to find out!

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

Originally posted by 02Cannibal
The last race at Dutchman ended with an eye injury and a 15th place finish.  Now with Ron's brains running the show, what will happen?  Will I inherit his bad luck and DNF?  Will I inherit his good luck and get one of those paper weights for myself?  Will Rookie lead the way and take top honors?

Tune in next post to find out!

Ahhhhh a little anticipation going on I like it. Yes I am running the Klaw's. So here comes the fun. I am leaving in about 20 mins

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#7 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »

go get em guys! how's rons ecu gonna work for a stock quad? i don't know but i wanna hear the outcome of this thing!tongue.gif

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#8 Post by cdrookie »

here we go! smile.gif

rain stopped when i got to the track a little after 11, but the wind picked up and i swear it got colder! the bike classes took off and it was a mess. bikes laying down in every turn.

i registered and talked to a guy with a early 02 cannibal, steve was his name i think. he's raced it for 3 years with no motor work what so ever! valves are chattering, swingarm is cracked in two places...

went over and lined my bike up cause i wanted a good starting spot cause the start was going to be crutial in this mud. got some tear offs from the vendor there also. Will, 02cannibal arrived, so we BSed for a while till derno got there. he's a great guy and an electrical genius, at least in my opinion.

we find derno knee deep in his z. parts laying everywhere, tools flying. WTF? it won't start! we mess with it for about an hour, race time is near! it's not getting any gas...

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#9 Post by cdrookie »

i tried all my tricks but couldn't get it to fire. derno and will hooked up rons ecu and got wills dale going. marlin came up with ron and his ex was looking good. as a last ditch effort we hooked up jumper cables to rons truck and cranked on the z for about 10 minutes. it finally started. it must be a good starter on them things!

the dales were out in force today. must have been 6 or so there. jlhughes was running his yfz, said he was saving his r for the woods.

we got another goofy line up. a class, b class, vet, senior, blaster and 300ex, then c class, followed by the v force/polaris class then the utilities.

34 riders in the c class! they had to have 2 rows for them. of course derno, will and marlin got the second row heading for the inside of the first turn. i was front row on the right, planning on going outside in the first turn.


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#10 Post by cdrookie »

the blaster class left a rider on his roof in the first turn. the starter raises his hand signaling that we were waiting for the blaster to move/go. the guy gets moving and the starter, standing in the middle of the track, drops his arm. half the class fires up and takes off!!!!!!!!!!!!they blow an air horn to start the race. the starter doesn't believe what just happened, we don't believe what just happened! now what?

they corral those mischevious SOBs and make them get back in line. all this takes a good 4+ minutes. then some of them had the guts to line up in front of us! they got thrown to the back, with derno, where they belong:p

so they blow the horn and my dale starts right up and i get a good jump. unfortunately i only move two feet then stall it:furious: takes a few secs to get going again but i'm near the back of the pack.

i hold off a little waiting for everyone to get sorted out. pick a few people off then go into the second turn, a big 180 high banked left hander. my bike gets caught in a rut and i'm heading up the banking. can't get it going the right direction so i got to get off and yank it around.:mad: v forces closing rapidly, i'm dead last, again.

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