foot of the mountain 4/11- dernodale debut

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foot of the mountain 4/11- dernodale debut

#1 Post by cdrookie »

this race is kind of "out there" for a district 6 event, so turn out isn't as good. plus with it being easter and, of course, rain and highs in the 40's, we're figuring only about 10 people in our class.

it's gonna be the debut of the dernodale. rons calling holeshot and an uncontested victory. he's cleaning out a spot for the 5' trophy as i speak. he's even hired a couple photographers to document this land slide.

they say the track is on the side of a mountain, with some grassy switchback sections, rocks, tight woods, and only 1 small jump. jlhughes, derno, and myself will give you the play by play, as usual, tomorrow night.

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#2 Post by Derno24 »

Just got finished getting the DernoDale prepped. I am psyched to race it, but annoyed it is probably going to be a slop fest. Bring out the scuba gear people you will need it.

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#3 Post by cdrookie »

well told derno to meet me at 9:30 so we could load up and get rolling. he calls at 9:45 and says he'll meet me in 30 min. he's worse than a woman! i like to get there early, that way if something happens you still have plenty of time and you can check out the track. some people like to get there at the last min...

anyways, it's sprinkling a little as we load up. the further west we go the more it rains. derno's wondering if they cancelled. that would suck, it's a two and a half hour drive for us one way. we got to the top of the mountain and it's snowing and foggy. we were going to the foot of the mountain so it's raining down there. luckily they're still racing, they just shut down part of the course.

it's cold! 34 degrees, light rain and some wind. we got there with an hour till race time. derno STILL had to put his bike together! geez!

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#4 Post by cdrookie »

there's 2 other people in our class, open c, a raptor and 400ex. we get lined up and derno was like- wonder how much time we got till they start? just then they start the little riders meeting at the line. i ask why, he says he forgot to put gas in his bike!!!!!!:mad: i asked how much was in there. he said none!!!!sad.gif

a blaster pulled up to our line to start with us since nobody was in his class. everybodys goggles were fogging up and i could barely see when they blew the horn.

derno made good on his promise to holeshot, i was battling for last with the raptor....

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#5 Post by cdrookie »

ron set a torid pace. i said he was crazy to be going that fast. i was 3rd entering the woods. saw 2nd flipped over on a tree and got around him. then saw ron flipped on his side. but he got righted before i was up to him and he took off again. this track was rough! ruts and rocks galore! a little mud thrown in for good measure. crusing alone and again find ron on his side!:eek: i stop and let him get going and start the verbal

i tried to stay with him, but he was slowly creeping away. i kept yelling at him:p and he let me by. he had to stop for gas anyway so i would've got around him then. was just moving right along thru the middle laps, nobody anywhere near me. thought i was in second at worst. then...

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#6 Post by cdrookie »

there's derno in a tree!ohmy.gif he waves me by. so i got a lap on him!smile.gif come around the next lap and derno's still there. he stops me and says his bike won't start and to bring his powerpack out to him(it was the last lap). also said something about two guys right in front of me. i thought dam, i'm in third?

then i see it's the raptor guy, and i thought i was about to lap him, but wanted to do so just to be sure. grabbed a little too much throttle over a bump and went tear :w: ing through the woods! luckily i got it under control before i hit something.

i yelled at the raptor and he let me by. then he saw i was in his class and was on the gas.

the last section of the track is a series of switchbacks on the side of some rolling hills. the raptor was slowly closing in but i got him at the barrels by about 15 +- seconds. he was a lap down anyhow.

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#7 Post by cdrookie »

so it was confermed that victory was mine!smile.gif i was about to go find derno but he came motoring on in for last place. or 4th depending on how you look at it!tongue.gif

the track wasn't real long but it was rocky, big rocks, very rutted, to the point of me having to use my foot to stay on 4 wheels in places. the mud wasn't too bad but some people did get burried in it.

my 22" razr's really helped in the mud and rocks. didn't get stuck at all, even when i ran the ruts. had a blast. the whole time i was like- please don't blow up and please don't get a flat! i stalled it on a couple of occasions and the fan was running like crazy. please don't overheat, please don't overheat. i was hitting all the water holes to keep it cool.

the scorers had it all messed up. they were saying derno finished 1st! WTF? he only did like 4 laps?! we got it straightened out and i walked away with the 5 foot trophy! rookie 3 - derno 1

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#8 Post by cdrookie »

i'd like to thank my sponsers, but i have none...

ex kid
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#9 Post by ex kid »

****** turnout??????? only one in the blaster class? what did his quad look like?

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#10 Post by cdrookie »

i think it was the 04 with the red frame and white plastic. didn't really pay too much attention to it. guys were saying a blaster was tearing up the track. i honestly don't know what happened to him after the second corner. did he finish in front or behind me? bet he won his class though! i doubt there was more than 25 quads there. not that many finished.

a cannondale got the overall though! he was a vet class racer. beat the a class!

just got off the phone with derno. he's trying to track down his electrical problem. he's got 12 volts in both batteries. 12 into and out of the selonoid(sp?). bad starter maybe? it cranks for a second then just clicks... he's gonna try to post some pics of my 5' trophy later

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