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A pic or two

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 6:14 pm
by DangerRanger
So when is voting for the next cdale or cdalerider of the month?

Picked up 18th at Rausch...and moving up. The Winky Dale....this thing screams!!!

Congrats Ranger!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 9:34 pm
by Ryanstones
when's the next ROM vote he says!

Feelin pretty good huh man? smile.gif

glad to hear it! Now where's the race report?:deal:

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 10:21 pm
by DangerRanger
I have been so busy at work I haven't had time to do any write ups. I can summarize for now.

Awesome season, got a few rides back under the belt, and back trying to go for top 10 or better in 4stk A @ GNCC.
Keep and eye on me.......

I am running 5 times a week now, working out, and finally getting myself in shape. The rausch was rough, but I loved it and never felt better after a race.

In training to be a rider for Diamond Racing for the 12hr....Jim told me we have to earn a I am out for that!!!

Winky motor is running awesome.....100X bettern than even my best stock motor, and if it craps tomorrow....I still will have a smile after the bashing it takes.

been offered a free ride on a honda...and turned it down for the present...I rode their GNCC quad....and it is okay...but it stalled alot, lack of serious torque...and just wasn't my current baby!! maybe some other time, or if I get bored, but not for now.

Finally go to meet some of my sponsors in person, which was great.

Picked up Kenda as a new sponsor.

and someone close to home is going to be running with my harness idea for thier all the research time has paid off.

a good month...but the wife and I aren't doing so good, so prayers on that area.


That's awesome man

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 3:11 am
by Ryanstones
I love to see anybody working hard for a dream. :clap:

Great to hear that Winky is gonna run the 12 hour! I'm sure you'll make it. Some success at that one would be really good for us all. Go DIAMOND!

As for the marriage thing, My wife and i have both come to realize that NO person can make us happy or unhappy. Personal responsibility in every situation is the best we can do for each other. Sometimes we don't quite get it, but that's fun too. Good luck to you there.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:14 am
by cannondale27
Great job Ben!Racing is very tough on a marriage.All I can say is try to involve her as much as possible.I will be rooting for you.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 4:58 am
by Derno24
Trust me when I say this Diamond Racing won't be the only Dale at the 12 hr race!smile.gif smile.gif

I still have never seen anyone campaign as hard for this as you though Ben!

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 11:00 pm
by ex kid
Originally posted by Derno24
Trust me when I say this Diamond Racing won't be the only Dale at the 12 hr race!smile.gif smile.gif

I still have never seen anyone campaign as hard for this as you though Ben!

i thought we were using the Z?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 12:33 am
by Derno24
z for 6, dale for 12

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 1:49 pm
by DangerRanger
it may be a Z....but I am gonna keep on the dale deal.

somone will be riding my dale in the can count on that.


Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 1:57 pm
by Derno24
Let me clarify. I am racing at Rausch Creek 6 hr race on my Z400 due to the PA state race the next day where I will be using my Dale. No time to do maintenance.

For the 12 hour race I am running my Dale.