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High Point MX national!!

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:27 am
by haydug
OK, better late than never. I've been alittle busy, but here goes.

Friday for practice was alittle muddy. I decided to ride my :eek: Honda 250R. One of my local riders who rode the production C class was riding my bike, as his was torn down putting cam bearings in.
I had only ridden the bike once before today, but it seemed to hook up pretty good, I ran holeshot mxr's and going in a straight line, I don't think the traction could be beat, however in the corners they would slide pretty easily. Practice went pretty un-eventful, until the airbox came off. So back to the pits to fix that problem. I washed the bike and began modifying the box to get me through the weekend.
I also had to spend some time with my boy, he decided he wanted to race, so up to the line with him and helping him out was really alot of work and alot of fun.
One thing that was kinda funny, I left my 3 year old at the playground while I rode a practice session, so he was there like 15-20 minutes alone, but his older brother and some friends were 50ft away at the sign up tower if he needed them. I pull in off the track and stop to put him on the bike and go back to the truck and some lady starts ripping me a new one for leaving him there. Oh well, guess she had good intentions.
Saturday morning practice is pretty good, and go to the line for 25+ class. I pull a decent holeshot, and start moving my way through the pack when all of a sudden, WHAMM!! Old age hits me! That along with the fact I haven't been riding this year, and/or spent much time on the bike. My arms are getting tired quickly, and hands are starting to hurt. I worked my way up to 4th and cruised in for the moto. I did get to jump most of the stuff on the track, which was pretty fun. The double section in front of the pro-pits are a blast. I could play there all day I think.
My son was 5th moto off the line, so I had to hurry and get him up there. He rode the suzuki lt 50 which is very slow compared to the other bike. But, he rode great, and really showed good form. I know he will take off someday, but until then as long as we have fun, that's all that matters. He came across the line with a huge grin on his face, super happy that he passed someone and he jumped the finish line jump.
7th moto and I'm right back on the line for Open A. I didn't get a good gate pick, so I'm lined up on the outside. I pulled a good holeshot, but the first turn was kinda interesting. I came through pretty clean and started down the hill section around 5th-6th. I passed my way up to 3rd, and caught the guy in 2nd pretty easily when it happened again. I'm not sure why some people think this is easy, because everytime I try it, I get super tired. So I pressured him for a lap or so then just started cruising and having fun. I actually started to loosen up a little on the last lap. Overall I had fun and didn't wreck. Got top 5 in both classes, and the boy had a blast, so it was off to the motel and the Outback for a evening break.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:32 am
by Derno24
Good story Doug. How did the C Class guy do?

Don't let that lady bother you. I would think you had all your bases covered as best as you could.

Sounds like you guys all had fun there which is the most important thing.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:35 am
by haydug
Sunday was pretty un-eventful, but I'll tell you anyway. I got to the track around 8a.m. thinking I could get a sight lap in on the track, and check my jetting, tire pressure, and relax alittle. But, another dale owner had me hooking up the computer to his bike, and checking some stuff out, which caused me to miss practice all together, and almost be late going to the line for the 1st moto of the day: 25+.
I noticed the bike bogging alittle going up to the line, but chalked it up to being cold.
I knew I had a problem when the "2" card was up and it was bogging alittle, kinda like the gas was off. I knew it was lean then, but to late to worry about it. I hoped for a good holeshot so I could ride fairly easy for a top 5 spot again. Well it didn't happen, good holeshot, clean first turn, then trying to pass on the inside of the second turn and spun out. That put me back to last. Then my brain faded and no longer was riding easy. I made it into the top 10, but around the 2nd-3rd lap my bike started seizing. It never completly seized, but I was smart enough to shut it off and take a tow back to the pits. I changed quickly and got the boy up for his 2nd moto. He had a ball. He was so excited again when he came off the track, the whole weekend was worth it for him. I loaded up and watched the first pro moto then headed for the house. Even got home early enough to mow the grass.

Funny thing about breaking down on the "r", I never heard anyone say anything about selling it or junking it. But, it that would have been my dale::: :cry:

Oh, and Kenny(aka: housercannondale) done quite well in his first ever race outside of a little fair track he rides on locally. He ran production "C" on one of my 450 bikes, and finished top 5.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:12 pm
by Motoman440
Man, don't be leavin the kid layin around!!!:mad: If I remember correctly it's only been a year ago since I saw you run 90+ race laps at Milton and your tellin me your outta shape??? J/K!!! Tried to make it up there to watch but wasn't in cards this year. Nice report though. Sounds like ya did purty dam good considering not much seat time for ya this year. BTW them dam Honda's are junk!!! Sell it!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:22 pm
by kdeal
Originally posted by Motoman440
Man, don't be leavin the kid layin around!!!:mad:   If I remember correctly it's only been a year ago since I saw you run 90+ race laps at Milton and your tellin me your outta shape???  J/K!!!  Tried to make it up there to watch but wasn't in cards this year.  Nice report though.  Sounds like ya did purty dam good considering not much seat time for ya this year.  BTW them dam Honda's are junk!!!  Sell it!!!

I second that. Sell all the Hondas & Yamahas and ride a real bike.
Go Cannondale :usa

tongue.gif tongue.gif

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:22 pm
by USAMoto00
Good reports Doug. Nice to see you finally getting them done.:hammer: lol That dude in Prod. C was a good rider, he had me in some spots because he was jumping more. I really regret not doing the finish line section, but I didn't have anyone to follow through there.:mad: Next year man, I'll git 'er dun!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:33 pm
by jfarrar
brian stop being a tongue.gif

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 8:55 pm
by USAMoto00
I'll remember that J. Always a tough guy huh?tongue.gif If you were there, I would have followed you, but oh yes, you were working on yours AGAIN! Stinking procrastinator's! lol