Miles Mountain THE RETURN OF THE DALE!!!

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Miles Mountain THE RETURN OF THE DALE!!!

#1 Post by Derno24 »

Well guys I know I have been lacking in my report coverage and I apologize. I just didn't feel the same about reporting when I was riding a z400 instead of my favorite ride the Dale.

This adventure will start on saturday. I woke up at 6:30 to go to Champion Motorsports with my chasis. today was the day i got my motor back. Now I know alot of people get up at 6:30 all the time, but I got done working at 3:00am. My wife decides to come with me and we take off. Champion is about 5 hrs away and there is alot of construction going on in PA. Well we find a decent route and get there by 12:30pm. Had to stop for food and the bathroom a couple times. Motor installation starts at 1pm and is completed by roughly 3:40pm. Not bad Scott did the big stuff. I connected the hoses and other lines. Quad ran great broke it in and away we went.

No any good story wouldn't be complete without conflict. i made a deal with my wife that I would decide on the race based on a decision we both made at Champion when we left. The race at Miles Mountain is 4 and a half hours from home and 2 hrs from champion. I figured I would just get a hotel and we could stay in the area of the race the night before. Well she wanted to go home.

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#2 Post by Derno24 »

Well I don't know if anyone else has ever experienced this before, but all the way from Wilcox to Wellsboro my wife didn't speak to me. 2 hours and not a peep. It only got worse from there as when we got to Wellsboro we couldn't get a room. Luckily we caught a break and found a bed and breakfast. Crashed for the night and figured I would get ready for the race.

Nice part about a bed and breakfast is the breakfast in the morning. Nothing like having someone else cook you food. Well we get under way and get to the track. now as rookie has told everyone before I am always late. Well we get to the track 2 1/2 hrs early. I was the first guy to sign up.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

The lady at the sign up asks if I wanted to try another class, but I inform her I can't because of the point series in Dist 6. i run another class I have to stay there. She says ok and I figure heck even if I run by myself I will have fun riding.

Well luckily enough it wasn't just me and 4 other people showed. A couple of us parked near one another and were just chatting. They were telling me the course wasn't rough and there was alot of wide open trails and such. I was looking forward to riding and spanking the heck out of the motor.

Get to the line and we get all set-up. There was a small turnout, but everyone was looking to have fun so away went the other classes and then it was our turn.

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#4 Post by timbomoose »

Glad to hear you got it going again.Thanks for making me feel like a retard by putting the engine in less than 3hrs.My wife usually yells for two hrs and doesn't speak for a day when I tick her off with my quad stuff, so you're doing preety good.tongue.gif

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#5 Post by CdaleRacer0128 »


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#6 Post by Derno24 »

Sorry for the delay in the rest of the report I had to eat and resize pics. Here is the rest of it.

LERIC yes it ran great.

I had eyed up the competition as we all do at races and figured a 1st or 2nd wasn't going to be out of the cards. Well the flag dropped and guess what. I was last off the line.

like normal. It isn't the quads fault cause I never get good starts on any of my machines. The quads that got in front of me were 1st place a 450r. 2nd place a Predator. 3rd a 250r and then a 400 ex. In the pic I am on the left....

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#7 Post by Derno24 »

Now the nice part was the beginning was mostly wide open so I could really stretch the legs of the Dale. There was a left a quick right then about a 300yd straight away up hill. Well on the first lap the dust was so nasty that i had to lay off. I passed the 400 ex and was working on the 250r. We get to the top of the hill then go straight down. Then about halfway down a bow to the left then turn to the right.

The 250r didn't see the bow and almost ran off track letting me fly by.

It is a tough pic, but I am just going through the corner.

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#8 Post by Derno24 »

Well I get down to the bottom then it is a 180 left a straight away. I can hear the 250 buzzing behind me. Then there is a bunch of switchbacks up the hill. man the power was nice to have back. The z is good and so is the v-force, but everytime that I got a chance to open it up the Dale just walked up that hill with no problem.

Another shot with the 250 chasing me.

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#9 Post by Derno24 »

well I get up the hill there were about a half dozen switchbacks all the way up the hill. By the top I couldn't hear the 250 anymore. No my sights were set on what i thought to be the 450r. Well we enter the woods and man it was tight. Made Jaybr's woods seem like the great wide open. My quad is 47" wide and some of these trees were about 48" apart. There was alot of trees crying by the end of the day. Also several people with bent tierods. Well I get into the first woods section and find that the predator is the next quad i am passing. Well He went and got stuck and I slid by easy and into 2nd place. now I figure I will just settle in and run my race and concentrate on not hitting the trees. I am not joking extremely tight.

Well as I am riding what do I find, but the 450r kicking away and not being able to start. Well the trail won't allow me to get by so I sit and wait. Takes him a couple kicks and we are off. Well this guy is hauling. So I figure he will just either tire or find a tree and I keep my pace. I start noticing that he is making his own trail and coming back to this race course. Then it dawns on me he told me before the race he rides there all the time. Big disadvantage for me.

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#10 Post by Derno24 »

I was just having a good time out there enjoying my quad. The course went tight woods, open field, tight woods, open field, tight woods with some interesting off camber stuff. Really reminded me of the quick up and down and Jay's, but more of it. Then you got to the finish line.

My wife told me that the 1st place guy came through way before the 2nd place guy and that I wasn't very close to the 2nd place guy.

Oh yeah I forgot about how I fell into 2nd. Well we are running through the woods I lost the 1st place guy. I could hear him, but couldn't see him. Well I come to some loose shale covered by dirt. I see a vet rider stuck around a tree. I stop to look at a way around. Well an *** on a z400 from the vet class which started in front of us decides he wants by. Well he hits my front enough to make the quad slide down a steep shale hill. Now I am stuck. After 10 mins of wrestling with my quad getting it unstuck I get back on the trail.

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