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Knoll's Utah Hare and Hound race

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:25 pm
by JeffQuadShop
This was my first attempt at desert racing and I was a little nervous about it! I flew to Utah on thursday and arrived around noon. I was picked up at the airport by ATK owner Frank White and 2 visiting sales reps from Tucker Rocky. We went to the ATK factory where I spent the remainder of the day going over the quad (ATK 450 MX) with the help of Travis a former Cannondale engineer and several other ATK employees, adjusting everything to my liking, intalling Tire Balls and my nice big cushy seat!
On friday we drove out to the desert and setup pits then went out and did some testing and shake down just to make sure everything was setup properly. Testing went very well, I even got to go out and play on Franks ATK 450 motorcycle and do some dune jumping with Cannondaleriders members Sandstorm and Jordy who came out to watch the race and be coarse sweepers to help anyone that was broke down or crashed. Thanks guys!!!
After a long day in the 98 degree heat we settled down in the camper for a good nights rest. Its amazing how cool the desert gets at night.
Saturday morning I got up early and had to get ready for a 9am start time. Man it would be nice to race in the mornings at the GNCC's! hint hint
The track was around 32 miles long and we did 2 laps. The first 20 miles of the lap was mostly sand whoops with lots of those little bushes everywere. We would cross dry lake beds every 3 miles or so, it gave you a little rest. I'm guessing speeds across the lake beds be be around 75 mph. After beating yourself up in the whoops, the last 12 miles we went up in a mountain range with lots of rocks, steep hills, offcambers and pretty bad dust in sections.
The start was on a dry lake bed that was about 1 mile long before you went into some sandy trails. I was in around 10th place off the line. I pinned the ATK and passed several 450R's and YFZ's and made it to 4th by the time we got to the end of the lake bed. I played it safe for the first few miles to get a feel for this strange terrain and the kind of pace I need to run. After getting comfortable, I passed for the lead around the 6 mile marker. From then on I just put the hammer down and would concentrate on realing in motorycyles that had started in the 3 rows in front of us with rows starting 5 minutes apart.
At the end of the first lap I came in for a quick splash of gas and off for another 32 miles. I was told after the race that I had a 1 minute lead over second place after lap 1. On lap 2 I just tried to ride smooth and not make any mistakes and pass more bikes. I know the bike guys hated it because I would dust them out when I'd pass them. :ride:
The 2nd lap was starting to wear on me as the whoops started to take its toll on my lower back and hands. But I hung in there and rode as hard as I could and finished about 15 minutes behind the overall motorcycle winner and several minutes ahead of the 2nd place quad rider.
That ATK was the fasted quad I have ever ridden!!! I basically kept it in 4th and 5th gear all day long. It would pull hard with a twist of the throttle in any gear and the suspension soaked up all the nasty whoops, rocks and bushes that seemed to jump out in front of you and never did anything unexpected.
A huge thanks goes out to ATK, American Star and Tire Balls for putting together a bike that worked flawless during the entire race! I did loose the silencer halfway throught the second lap, but it didn't hurt the performance of the bike at all. :clap:

Photos by John Siebler

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:26 pm
by JeffQuadShop

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:27 pm
by JeffQuadShop
Ready to drag race for 1 mile before entering the desert sand.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:28 pm
by JeffQuadShop
Decent start, I passed several 450R's and YFZ's by the end of the 1 mile dry lake bed.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:28 pm
by JeffQuadShop
Coming down from the mountains just before the pits.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:55 pm
by cdrookie
good report and nice pics jeff:clap: looks kind of desolate out there. looks like a good place to try out one of them 700cc 2 strokes atk has laying around smile.gif :usa

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:37 am
by haydug
Nice report Jeff. Thanks for sharing it with us "mere mortals"
I wish I could go out and run one of them with you guys next time. Maybe we could get an ATK in the top 3 spots?? :usa

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:19 am
by Ryanstones
Way to go Jeff! ATK on top. You rock. Thanks for the story! and for keeping the dream alive:clap:

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:45 am
by cannibalq8
Great job ..jeff smile.gif:head: :usa

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:47 pm
by JeffQuadShop
I almost forgot!!! David White, 21 year old son of Frank finished 2nd in the novice class in his first race ever! Way to go David!!! :clap: