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the flying dutchman 9/26, 5 FOOT TROPHY day

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:34 pm
by cdrookie
the dutchman starts back up today, and i, for one, am happy about that. it's gonna be nice not to get so beat up. hasn't rained since last saturday so dust will probably be an issue. the dust doesn't go anywhere it just hangs around. with the track being on a flat 35 acre piece of property, and probably a good turnout, they should rename this event the dustman. only myself, derno and jlhughes will be there. smile.gif

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:19 pm
by cdrookie
got there and i saw an unbelieveable a mirage in the middle of the sahara desert... a water truck!!!!!! and they were actually using it!!!!!!smile.gif

quad turnout was pretty good, maybe around 70. they changed the track around a little, more jumps:( and we ran part of it backwards. but in typical dutchman fashion, C class got screwed again by starting last. behind blasters, autosport, senior, and utilities! there was, i think, 28 racers in our class on the line.

a class left and all you saw was a white quad cartwheeling thru the air. first thought was lee dickerson(treebasher on exriders), but turned out to be todd rathermal(sp?), or so i was told. they restarted the race and jlhughes got shafted on that deal. he was near the back of the pack, but luckily the pack wasn't real big, 12 maybe.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:34 pm
by cdrookie
after an eternity it was our turn. they blew the horn and off we went!

my start was mediocre at best, mid pack, but i was being aggressive in the first few turns. too bad they watered it a little too good and i was getting pelted with mud. didn't want to remove a tearoff so soon but i had no choice.

saw derno sitting off to the side of the track not long after the start. found out his bike didn't want to race today but he persuaded it to:hammer:

wasn't long before we caught up to the other classes. alot of them were being stupid and not letting us past.:mad: i mean it was almost to the point of ramming them. but i didn't want to risk entanglement. had to get around them fast cause i didn't want the leaders to pull away. had absolutely no idea what place i was in or who/where the leaders where.

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:40 pm
by cdrookie
found out after the race that owen, riding the yfz, was behind me but a polaris sportsman pushed him into a big tire sending him and the machine airborn. then saw tim wertman, riding the 400ex, broke down again. and with derno stopping for unknown reasons... i figured i better start hauling and gain some valuable points.

but traffic was insame, first the utes, then the blasters. couldn't catch a break! practically screamed my head off at one kid to move, and the strange thing was that i knew him. :confused:

then it happened, again...sad.gif

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:43 pm
by cdrookie
first i heard it...sad.gif

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:43 pm
by cdrookie
but tried to pretent it wasn't happening..sad.gif

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:44 pm
by cdrookie
then i saw it...sad.gif

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:45 pm
by cdrookie
no use trying to deny it...:cry:

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:46 pm
by cdrookie
coolant blowing out somewhere:furious:

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:52 pm
by cdrookie
****** said to run it till it blows or he'd arrest me:( gotta do what you gotta do, i guess. sad thing was it was only the second lap with an hour+ to go. dutchman is usually an 11,000rpm track to me, but had to rethink that tactic.

the bad thing is that when the bike overheats the clutch disappears. and i just put a new clutch in it and new engine ice:mad: stopping at the barrels was interesting... had to rev it way high and the clutch would only engage at the very end. got worse every lap.