Jolly Roger 10/03

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Jolly Roger 10/03

#1 Post by cdalemx301 »

Well the weekend started off pretty bad i fell out of the back of my truck while loading the quad but nded up with no damage got to the track and my tent was broken at 10 oclock saturday night haha....had to fix it before i could sleep...i wake up sunday morning go register and come back to start my quad and my battery is low and its cold and the bike wont start drain the battery....I find some jumper cable and hook up to my truck to charge my battery took me 45 minutes to get my bike to start....go out for practice and it had poured the nght before and i forgot my tear offs at i go out in practicewith no tear offs half way thru the first lap i cant see where im i just guess my way the ret around the track.....go out in my first moto had a bad start i let some people squeeze me out nothin to impressive this moto i ended up finishing somewhere around 10th or 11th with nobody around i had to go to the LCQ...LCQ and im third off the start another dale and a YFZ in front of me battling and im right behind them the whole first lap as there battling the YFZ finally pulled the Cannondale and I moved in on the guy we battled for a little bit and at the begining of the second lap i got past him and pulled away from him keeping an even distance between me and the leader finished 2nd Lap and took 2nd for the moto....So 2nd Moto I line up with second to last gate pick....I get a real bad start but there is a pile up in the first turn and i go low and get around half the about 9th or 10 at this point.... and have 2 people right in front of me i ride behind these two until about half way thru the second lap with nothing big happening....then my bike begins to pull hard to the left but i ignore it ad keep pushing with a lap and a half left....i hit a step up and just barely come up short and now the bike is pulling real hard and im starting to get tired from trying to hold it straight....Those of u who kno the track i come up over the Intimadator and get passed and theres a few more people behind me as i finish the second lap i had only lost one place but was getting real tired and was having trouble hangin on i end up letting someone else by me goin down suicide hill and another coming into the same step up i cased the last lap.....i continued riding the best i could but the bike was just tiring me out i got passed by a few more people by the end of the lap.....i pull off the track and ended up somewhere around 15th not sure where yet....let go of the bars and my bike cuts left i was like huh i look down and i had blown out my left front tire all together i felt i rode good this weekend and prob would have finished better without a blown tire but i guess something was out to get me this weekend lol o well i had fun .....and finally felt like i was riding close to my best ability lol now that it is the end of the season

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#2 Post by cdrookie »

wow, thats some bad luck! i'm suprised you got it to stay running after killing the battery.

come on down to the fall ride, there will be some racin going on there!

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#3 Post by cdalemx301 »

wish i could make it down but unfortunatly i dont have the time i get out of class on friday at 630 and im 2 hours from home and have class monday morning so i wont be able to make it hopefully next time i will

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#4 Post by Lippy91 »

Cdalemx301, Nice meeting you this weekend. I think your bad luck rubbed off on me. Just joking, If I didn't have bad luck ,I would have no luck at all. Where are you going to school? After I ended up getting my quad going , I started having trouble getting it started(Not from a dead battery like in the morning). Well there's always next year. I'll still have that oil for you.

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#5 Post by cdalemx301 »

Im goin to school at Roger Williams in Bristol Rhode Island im like out of the way from everything kinda sucks.....Lippy do you ride at Rocky Hill

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