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flying dutchman 10/10

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 1:18 pm
by cdrookie
this is a HUGE race! last round of the PA xc series, i'm currently in 6th and need to get up to 5th. its 5 FOOT TROPHY day and quad sculptures with $3000 worth of quad giveaways! also its double track points.

beautiful day with the sun shining and temps in the low 70's.

got my back shock rebuilt this week and they changed all the clickers. :mad: i only know that compression was set on 2. rebound and preload-?:cry:

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:45 pm
by cdrookie
everyone crawled out of the wood work for this one. i think we had around 33 quads in the c class. they didn't start us last, but we were still behind the blasters and seniors:confused:

track was about as good as it could get and weather was perfect, overcast and mid 60's.

derno dug out the dernodale, owen(raced powerline yesterday, 7th b afternoon) was once again riding a 416ex(but not his), and tim wertman had his ex race ready. there was a handful of other impressive machines on the line also...

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:51 pm
by cdrookie
horn sounded and off we went. i got a good jump, and was about 6th or so in the first turn. passed owen coming out of the corner and was plastered with mud coming out of the second corner by a banshee.

i guess there was a pile upin the second corner that i missed. some strange things took place then that i don't understand. derno had the misfortune of being an eyewitness, i think he was even involved in the bs...

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:57 pm
by cdrookie
we get off the wide high speed section and enter the one line track by the creek. i stall it:mad: owen goes around:mad: :mad: .

so we hook up and start passing everything in sight. there was a little bumping going on buy not intentional. we were both pushing hard and entering corners a little too fast. most slower traffic yielded, most...

all my focus was on owen, nothing else mattered. we got around most everyone in our class that was ahead of us. saw wertman in a switchback but wasn't sure if he was ahead or behind us. at worst we were 2nd and 3rd and i couldn't imagine anyone catching us.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:03 am
by cdrookie
i was giving owen everything, hoping he would fade or make a mistake. he had to be hurting from powerline yesterday, but was showing no signs of it.

i new i had the hp advantage and thought maybe i could get around him in the long switchback section about halfway thru the race. got a tremendous drive entering the straight and showed him my whole front end by the corner, but i was going wayyyy to fast. locked them up just before blowing the corner and whipped it around in the loose stuff but he was already gone...

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:06 am
by cdrookie
i spent the whole race right behind him. he'd pull a little lead but i'd close back in. most of the time we were less than a quad apart...

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:15 am
by cdrookie
last lap-

he got around a lapper and now i had to. luckily it was on a wide fast section. he pulled away slightly but i rapidly closed the gap and when we hit the "woods", i was on him. i knew my chances were getting slim and i needed to create an opportunity soon.

kept waiting for a mistake but he made none. about the only place left to pass was on the short switchbacks right out of the woods.

2 corners before we get out there we come upon a ex lapper. he goes left and lets owen past and is wide around the next corner. i cut inside and he comes shooting over into me throwing me into a tree and then on the roof!!!!!:furious: :mad:

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:21 am
by cdrookie
i've never flipped my quad over and to have it happen right then was beyond words. i jumped back up and flipped it back over. tried to hook up the pingle but my bars were bent down into the tank. twisted them back up but my brake and clutch were pointing straight down:mad:

got going again but had no idea if anyone got around. stalled it in the next corner due to the clutch pointing down. but it started right up. finished, but wasn't very happy...

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:26 am
by cdrookie
loaded the quad up and was changing clothes when derno got back. that's when i found out about the second corner. went to find owen and fill him in on what happened. he said he got 2nd behind wertman. that meant i was out of the pa state series.

he didn't know if anyone came in before me so i had to wait an hour for the results. nobody did so i finished 3rd. got one of them sculpture things derno got a while back, for those of you who saw it.

fun race till the last mile. i think i'm ahead of derno in the district, not sure about owen or where wertman is. they don't update the points often enough.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:45 am
by kdeal
Tough luck CDRookie, but you have been having one heck of a series. Your reports are fun and entertaining.


:usa :head: :drink: