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foot of the mountain 10/17

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:10 am
by cdrookie
we had 5 races left and i was 2nd in points, 1 ahead of derno and 16 behind owen. owen had to work so he wouldn't be attending this round.

after doing more riding than i originally planned to at the group ride(had to or else i'd freeze) and driving too much while not sleeping enough, i wasn't too thrilled about racing today. but i had no choice.

removed a link from my chain(now it was a little tight), and tightened the axle lock nut before i headed out.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:15 am
by Derno24
You slay me! Are you taunting that you beat 4 guys now! 2nd in Dist 6 in your saver are killing me too. You take all this way to seriously rook. I really mean this when I say it "I hope you catch Owen." I do want to see a Dale win this series. I had to get the Z ready for the 12 hr race. So I wasn't in attendance today even though I was only a 1/2 hr from the race!

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:17 am
by cdrookie
called derno and he said he was enroute, but had to do some work to his z in preperation for the 12 hour. said he would be there late, if he showed.

got to the track and, as expected, turn out was light. weather was light years better than saturday, but still windy and in the 50's.

derno didn't show but we still managed 5 in the c class and 10 overall. competition didn't look too tough, so i figured i'd take it easy and not bust my :w:

they started us with the autosport class, all 1 of them. we had a 300ex, 2-400ex's, and a yfz.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:23 am
by cdrookie
the promoter said they added some new sections to the track, which is usually bad for us:mad: oh well!

horn sounded and the v force got the holeshot, followed by ben rollison, then me. got around ben entering the switchbacks then got around the force in a whooped out up hill coming out of a switchback.

and that was pretty much the end of the race smile.gif put it in cruise control. kept an eye out thru the switchbacks to see if i needed to speed up or slow down. the new sections were nice, amazingly, and cut out the rough, rocky uphills.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:33 am
by cdrookie
hit a rock in the mud and got stuck, but had plenty of time to get unstuck, and stalled it once.

last lap had randy brandt(cannondale, vet class) come up on me right after the barrels. i left him past and wanted to see where i stand, since i'm thinking about moving to vet next year. we go flying thru the SB's, i'm on his tail but he is by no means slowing me down! he's not slowing down for anything, even hairpin turns:wow my hands are so sore from hanging on trying to keep up that it's hard to let off the gas. we hit the woods and he checks out, and i'm wore out. no sense wrecking trying to race with someone not in my class.

almost at the finish and i come upon a fellow c classer stuck in the mud on the yfz. i shut my bike off and get him unstuck, hoping ben doesn't show up! remounted the dale and cruised to the finish.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:43 am
by cdrookie
they post the results and they have me as third! but good thing about FoM is that if there is a scoring issue they fix it on the spot, no fuss, no arguements. got it straightened out.

was talking with a guy an a gas gas wild 300. he said he's been racing it for 3 years and loves it. his only problem was the crank pin bearing going out on it(hmmmmmm) but gas gas hooked him up and it was running in no time! just thought that was interesting.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:01 am
by cdrookie
Originally posted by Derno24
You slay me!  Are you taunting that you beat 4 guys now!  2nd in Dist 6 in your saver are killing me too.  You take all this way to seriously rook.  I really mean this when I say it "I hope you catch Owen."  I do want to see a Dale win this series.  I had to get the Z ready for the 12 hr race.  So I wasn't in attendance today even though I was only a 1/2 hr from the race!

:confused: WTF? i raced today, so i wrote a race report. i'm not suppose to since derno didn't go? this site doesn't revolve around derno. if you don't want to read it don't, but don't say i'm taunting anybody. YOU said i don't give myself enough credit. i want to win the series but doubt i will. i put way too much effort into trying to do so. is that wrong? it's my money, and a good portion of it, so yes i will take it seriously. back in the beginning of the season you were all pumped about racing and winning, talking trash and having fun. now, since you're luck has changed, and you're not doing so well, racing isn't important to you?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:03 am
by Derno24
Dude I am just messing with you! CHILL! I think that barring different tracks (I hate the Dutchman) we are pretty equal. I enjoy racing with you and will continue to do so. Don't take this so seriously all the time. As for being pumped about the season that was early and had nothing to do with being in the front as I was in 2nd when I was pumped. Season wore on and I realized how much ground I have due to just making races and how little a lead we have when we should be killing this class based on the point structure. Maybe if they redid the point set-up they would get better turn outs.

Sorry If I came across as a azz:cry: :eek: :drink:

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:20 pm
:clap: :clap: bicker bicker bicker, you two sound like a bunch of ole hens!!!!!!!:duel:

Points structure?????????? Derno, you win races, you get the most points..... :w: How do you think I feel, I get 3rd everyweek to batman and robin they run away with 12 and 10 points and I'm stuck holding 8?????:mad:

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:00 pm
by Derno24
Originally posted by JLHUGHES750
[BPoints structure?????????? Derno, you win races, you get the most points.....  :w:  How do you think I feel, I get 3rd everyweek to batman and robin they run away with 12 and 10 points and I'm stuck holding 8?????:mad: [/B]

Jay when you go to all these races and they don't have a full class and you win you get like 5-6 points. Then you go to the dutchman where 30 plus show up and the same guy who you beat at every other track kicks your tail cause this is obviously the only track he can ride gets 12 and no is working his way back up the points chart. Gets kinda stupid if you ask me. A guy can run one track and deserves to be even close in the points totals.

Rookie: Look at your points again. You are missing 5 points and I am missing 3. You have no score for the Ft of the mt race on the 2 day event. 2nd day. I am missing a couple points from there and one from miles mt.