Walden MX

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Walden MX

#1 Post by Derno24 »

Well this is kind of a ride report/mini group ride report so here we go.

I got a phone call from Loneracer earlier in the week asking if I wanted to go to Walden for a ride on Saturday as they were having practice that day. Loneracer, Dirt, MXer450, CDRookie, and others were going to be there so I figured what the hey. I looked on mapquest and it said 2hr 45 mins so I figured the trip wouldn't be too bad. Well seeing as how I have been putting off finishing the MX quad I decided to get off my butt and finish it. I worked for about 3 hrs on thursday and 3 on friday to get it ready to go. I got directions to Walden and spoke to Loneracer and Dirt again to make sure they were going. They said yes and Loneracer even agreed to help me align my front end as I have never been very good at it.

The plan was to get up at 9am load the quad and take off for the track. Well Friday I get a call and have to meet someone at 10:00am so I figure I'll take the quad with me and leave right from there. Well that didn't happen either. Turns out I finally leave my house at 11:00am. I figure 2:00PM at the latest would be fine as they were open till 7pm for riding.

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#2 Post by Derno24 »

I aqm now on my way about 1 hr into the drive cruising right along until I hit the first of what would be many traffic jams. This jam wasn't so bad as traffic creeped along at about 15mph for about a mile then we were back up to speed. I never really could figure out why the traffic jam, but who knows. After about 5 more of these mini jams I just came to assume that it was the crappy Jersey drivers. I finally enter NY and hope that the rest of the trip would be smooth sailing. WRONG! I think either NY'ers taught NJ people to drive or the Nj people were just driving the same way I was going. Now instead of rolling it was stop and wait then speed up and stop.

It was getting later than I hoped for, but at least I was almost there. Now the fun part. Not even 2miles before I was to get off the highway traffic comes to a hault. Stopped at a stand still. Waiting about 30 mins to go 2 miles. Turns out the NYers and Jersey people were just conspiring against me.

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#3 Post by Derno24 »

Now I am finally getting to the track. I want to remind people of one thing. I am an XC rider not a MXer so don't go acting like I should have known. I pull up to Walden the track looks nice and I spot all the guys getting ready to head out to ride. As I pull up to the booth a lady comes up and greets me and asks do you have a tether? Yup I got one of those! Do you have nerfs? Nope! You can't ride without nerfs. Come on, I just drove over 4 1/2 hrs to get here and didn't know it was a requirement. Her reply was you can't ride without one. You would think they might have cut me some slack as I showed her that I was from way out of town and just made a long journey to get here. NOPE!

Now I was pissed! I know a MX quad always has nerfs. Well you people can pay for them. I have been to other mx course and it is never a requirement for practice at any of them.

My favorite part was when she asked if I still wanted to pay to ride. I laughed and asked what was I going to ride. She said to ask around and see if someone had some nerfs I could borrow. Sure people are just going to have a set of Cannondale Nerfs laying around for me to use.

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#4 Post by Derno24 »

Well at least I got my quad aligned, spoke to MXer450 about why his teams quad (which was a honda) blew up at the 6hr, hung out with Dirt and Rookie, and ate McDonalds all the way in the middle of nowhere!

Oh yeah I did get A little seat team the 4min 25 secs it took to test my front end alignment, load the quad back into the truck and load Dirts quad back into his trailer. Another favorite of mine was when the lady walked up to me and asked if I had found nerfs for my quad? I said sure I pulled them out of my ***!

Overall though the track looked nice and I might have had a good time if I actually got a chance to go riding.


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#5 Post by cdalerider75 »

Man sorry to hear about your trip... that just stinks!!

I went out with cdalemx301 and our ladies yesterday for a ride at the local sand pit... bike started right up!! drove over to cdalemx301... turned off the dale... after that it would not start...

snapped the woodruff key!! But I still got to ride cdalemx301's dale...

In the end, it was a really fun day... can't thank my girlfriend and mike's gf enough for comming and hanging out, watching us ride!!

Oh yea even with my dale not running... I still had a bunch of guys comming over and checking out mine and mikes quads...

I love watching peoples jaws drop, toung hang out... and for them to say HolySh!t.... what type of quad it that? Man that is one sick looking setup!!

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#6 Post by Derno24 »

On a side note there were 2 dale's at the track. Mine and Dirts and at the end of the day they were still running.

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#7 Post by Derno24 »

One thing to add. I looked no where on their site does it mention nerfs!

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#8 Post by jfarrar »

i think they would have been escorting me out of there:mad: :furious: :duel: :box: :ride: :drink:

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#9 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by Derno24
On a side note there were 2 dale's at the track.  Mine and Dirts and at the end of the day they were still running.

congrats, thats a major accomplishment....:clap: :clap: :clap:

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#10 Post by mxer450 »

too bad about the nerfs though i would have been furious.
i would have liked to school yea on riding mx..:deal:

hey ronnie, you going to rausch the weekend of the exriders ride?
i plan on going, if it doesnt rain of course.....:cry: :cry:

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