anyone here go to rausch creek pa?

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#11 Post by guthrie08 »

im about an hour a way and i plan on making a trip there. let me know when you guys go there and me and my buddy will come up. a cdale and a yfz:rolleyes:

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#12 Post by cdrookie »

guthrie, you're in apollo right? thats more like 3.5 hrs away!sad.gif
i'll be up there the next nice weekend, and they allow camping so if anyone wants to spend the night they can or there's a hotel or 2 one exit away.

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#13 Post by guthrie08 »

lol what was i thinking, i must of been thinking of the track in harrisburg, still i want to go to raush creek sometime soon.

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#14 Post by dsracer666 »

Originally posted by cdalemx301
DS my gf will be there taking pics and footage this summer if any of it come out anygood i will send it your way.....Me and a buddy may  be making the trip down there some weekend in may to do some riding i will have to see how my money situation looks when its time to go I will defintaly be there in May also....Are you NEATV guy plannin to run Unidilla as well in the fall?
ya, we will be at unidilla!

were you planing on running all the NEATV races?

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#15 Post by cdalemx301 »

As long as my bike is running every race i will be racing otherwise there watching as of right now i have no conflictions that i cant skip to race....I will be at a lot of the Middleboro races as well

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#16 Post by dsracer666 »

same here, I'll be making some middleboro races and sportsmans club races.

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