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#171 Post by jesshamner »

Well, I'm finally back home. This has to be the greatest trip I have ever taken. It was good riding and great people. First off I want to thank Dan and his buddies for getting this thing together. They did a great job and were very cool guys. Next I want to thank Jaybr and NRath. They let me tag along with them for the +65 hours of drive time to and from Glamis. The roadtrip was half the fun. Jaybr hooked us up with some free rooms. He also let me ride his quad the whole weekend since we couldn't fit mine in the trailer. Next I have to thank Marc and Jenn for letting me use Jenn's paddles. I rode on them all weekend until Sunday when I managed to pop the tires off the bead. Then I proceeded to do the same thing to another set. I was hard on tires I guess. He also brought a project so we could play some Halo2 on a full size white sheet. That was some good entertainment. Thanks to Lurker Blaze for the sets of plastic. It was great to meet the west coast riders and the others that I had not met before. It was also good to see the guys that I had already met! I can't wait until we ride again! When you westcoasters want to come out and dodge some trees, let me know. I'll be there for sure!

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#172 Post by Jaybr »

We had a great trip too, thanks Dan for the hospitality and Marc for the great food. It was great to finally meet you guys, and I'm sure I'll be back, with Lil Jbr next time.

The dunes where great, wish I would have rode more.

The 468 motor was running great but needed some mapping changes.

Day 1 we all took off out into the dunes and 30 minutes into it my clutch went out. I thought for sure that the silicone had come off the side cover and gotten into the clutch plates, turned out I was just low on fluid in the Magura.

Day 2 everything was working good, we headed over to Olds hill and Nrath and Doug made a few runs with the quad. Kenny was beating them up the hill:confused: The motor was running great, really fast on topend but really flat in the mid range. They would take off in the lead but when rpm's started to drop half way up Kenny would reel them in. We go back to camp and I make some mapping/tuning changes and get the quad pulling alot better throught he midrange. Ready to head back over to try Kenny again when he gets towed back in with a motor problem:eek: I'm pretty confident that once I get the mapping dialed in this one will scream.

Day 3 we take off toward China hill and about 1/2 way there Jess blows a tire off the bead. I head back to camp with him, didn't want him going alone. We get almost back to camp and stop for a second then my quad won't start back up, dead battery. Jess goes for a strap and we pull start it and run back to camp. When I dug into it I found the stator wires are shorted and fried:mad:

The trusty ol speed ran great all weekend, even with Jesshamner beating on it. That quad is over 3 years old now and I've never touched the motor other than to do valve adjustments:clap:

We are almost back in VA, but still have 300 miles to home

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#173 Post by haydug »

Yep, can't believe I forgot to mention Marc, and the "tri-tip". That was some good food Marc, Thanks alot! Although back east we call that a "chunk of beef" LOL.

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#174 Post by Jaybr »

Here are a few pics from the ride home:)

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#175 Post by Jaybr »

Jesshamner had to pic up a souvineer in TX:wow

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#176 Post by jesshamner »

^^^^^Holy $h!t! 84 hours and 31 minutes!

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#177 Post by Jaybr »

Nrath got a little carried away going through AZ, luckily the trooper was in a good mood and gave him a warning. I never have that kind of luck:mad:

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#178 Post by cannondale27 »

That 58 is a dang good average speed!

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#179 Post by NRath »

Originally posted by cannondale27
That 58 is a dang good average speed!

Not compared to the 70 we got a couple times on a tank of gas! 58 includes some healthy rush hour traffic in Oklahoma City, Phoenix, and Memphis. And, a little stop to talk to one of the local law enforcement officers!sad.gif AHHHHH, what a ride! Jay and Jess are great traveling companions! It was fun, fella's!

Funny part is, my quad is cleaner now than when I left!! Good thing, it was pretty nasty when I rolled it out of the trailer and into the sand for the first time!

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#180 Post by cannondale27 »

If you averaged 70 I bet you were doing close to 90mph alot!

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