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Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:03 am
by haydug
Anyone up for a trip to glamis around the weekend of Feb. 12-13??? :head:

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:02 pm
by fig

Did you know that there is a scheduled get together at Glamis on 2/16-2/20 scheduled for dalers? The more the merrier. Delay you trip by a couple of days and come on down.

If anyone is interested go to

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:29 pm
by haydug
Yeah, but I have an offer to go ride that weekend, so better take it while I can.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:43 pm
by TheJaspMan
Sounds like a blast. But we gotta be in TX for the start of the GNCC.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:28 am
by bphillman
Well Doug now you have an offer to go the 16- 20th! I'm the host, so come on! We'll even find some RV space for ya! Scott from Champion and Maz will be there as well as about 20-30 dalers (and their fams)


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:01 am
by haydug
Brian, thanks for the offer, but I can't turn down a free trip, I would like to meet all of you though. How about making it down and riding with us that weekend? I'll be with Dan Erikson.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:05 am
by bphillman
I have to get hold of Dan and see how he's doing. Tell him I said to call me next time you talk to him.... I am gonna be in Vegas that weekend :-(


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:42 am
by Mjollnir
Woo, Dan's flying you out, eh? Nice! Tell him we said hi, and ask where's he's been and if he can fly you out the next week! What's a few days???

That way you BOTH can ride with us!


Sorry guys!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:39 pm
by daericks
It's been a long time since I have been on the boards and I'm really sorry. It's good to see that Marc, Brian, and the rest of you remember me-- and more importantly would like to see me again!! The last time I saw all of you, Zach and Josh had their heads in my A-arms while Scott and Maz had theirs in the engines! I've only put a few hours on the bikes since then but everything seems to already.

This was a bit of an impromptu trip. The guys I usually ride with (ahem-- this would be the first ride of the year for me...) have been giving me **** for months and they demanded that I go with them to Glamis for that weekend. Zack called me out of the blue to let me know he was going to be Phoenix during that time as well and I figured, what the heck?, he can come with me since he missed it last year! From there things spiraled out of control. I always told Doug that I would fly him out any time he wanted to go and since his wife gave him the green light he took me up on the offer. As of now, we have about 15 people varified to be coming but my dales will be the only ones there so it won't be a cannondale event. I don't want to get made fun of all trip like last year when I had to have a raptor tow me in on two separate occaisions!! I will have the services of Doug and Zack to tow me back instead!

All kidding aside, I wish I could make it out the following week as well but work will keep me in check. My two business partners will be out of two for 10 days on a cruise and I can't be out of the office. I would love to see you all again and I think Marc still wanted some a-arms of mine that I have laying around as well. If there is a second trip (regardless of size!) I will do my best to make it. I know Sheri really enjoyed meeting all of you, especially Wendy, so we would love to get together.

On a separate note, if there are more of you that want to go, my house is open (in Phoenix) prior to the departure on the 11th so you will all have a place to stay. The plan is to camp out and rough it for a few days. The weather should be nice in the day and cool at night. Bring your Camelbacks and GPS units. And make **** sure you have paddles on your quads.

I'm really happy to see that there are still a bunch of daler's out there.


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:23 pm
by Lurker Blaze
can haul 2 more quads for 300 each, and will deliver red bodywork if anyone is interested,also have red,yellow,orange head light covers.