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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:39 am
by sandDAZE
****** I think you did just find drag'n. Trust me I know those dales are plenty fast...I want to give MAD PROPS to Neil for climbing the right side of China wall without paddles...I am still in awe about that..That alone will show you how much power and touque those bikes are puttin out..Nice pics those look great..I will put up some of the ones I took as well as some of the rail when I pick it up...Can't wait to get together again...ALL you guys are a blast to ride with.....There is plenty more riding out here trust me.
Oh yea ****** I found you a job starting 55k in mesa I'm sure they have

Wish I could have rode with y'all

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:14 pm
by Smitty911
No problem on the ride.

The starting line roll AKA Califonia Roll. I've been at Comp waiting and someone will roll up look over nod and go without ever stopping. sad.gifI usally start in 2nd about 15' out shift into 3rd and tonce though the whoops het 4th. I don't do to bad at the starts. If they get to big of a jump I sit there and wait for them to look back adn restart. After a couple of rolling start with me waiting at the bottom, they will pull up and come to a complete start. I than nod and we go.

Great to meet all of you.

Lurker Blaze I need your address to pay you for the plastic.

Next time yall come I should have mine back running. Right Haydoug:)

Dan - We'll need to sync up so I can get my paddles out of your way.



Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:46 pm
by NRath
Originally posted by sandDAZE
Whats up guys???  My name is Chris, I'm new to the board, I met a few of you guys out is glamis this weekend. We had a great time meeting and hanging out with you guys.

Welcome to the board- glad you found your way here! Man, that was an awesome ride we had on Sunday! It was incredible- BIG Thanks. I feel sorry for the guys that didn't get to go with us on that one. It made all that driving worth while. The pics I took don't do any justice to the sights from the tops of the dunes. I look forward to my next dune trip, wherever I may end up!

Riding your R with the paddles was definitely an easier trip up China Wall than mine on the 'dale with Holeshots! The Holeshots definitely made it challenging!!

-See ya' around!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:49 pm
by NRath
Smitty and Daericks- it was a pleasure to meet you both! You guys are typical of this great community- great people willing to help!

Dan, if I can find the broken bolt for the flag mount, I'll make a new one. So, hold on to the aluminum tube for tightening the flag and I'll get it back together for you. Big thanks for stirring up this whole trip to Glamis thing- it was GREAT!

Blaze ride report

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:22 am
by Josh
I got to take out Lurker Blaze's old quad out today and do some duning. I went to Buttercup ( a southern portion of the Imperial Sand Dunes (Glamis)) and it was awsome!!! Quad had tons of power and no one could touch me. My group consited of the following quads: (2) Z400's piped, jetted and suspended, (2) Raptors same setup as z400's, (2) Banshee's with Tommey kits, cool head and suspension and (1) Kawi 700 twin. We went to the wall and I smoke everyone up by at least 2 bikes everytime. My starts sucked... started in 2nd but the front end would go staight up, back end would dig and I was usually the last off of the line but the first to the top. My buddies on their Raptors thought for sure they had me beat. It was only a day trip 3hrs out, 4hrs riding and 4 hours back and I forgot to take pic's (actually I just didn't take the time). I had the quad into 5th a few times in the open but it really seems to lag there, any suggestions??? I really never needed it except ot blow by my friend on his Raptor when he was tapped out.

Thanks again Mike... this quad rocks!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:00 am
by CannondaleRider

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:37 am
by speed_demon
Cool link ******! I've been thinking about going to a 14 tooth in front & that just solidfied it for me!:head:

5th gear

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:38 am
by Josh
Thanks for the link, it's a great tool. I really can't imagine using 5th very often but there are some high speed sections in the desert when prerunning that it would be nice to have enough pull to loft the front end like I can in 4th.