Broken collarbone

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#11 Post by Zerotact »

I snapped mine, and was back riding in 6 weeks. It didn't pop out of my skin, but you could see it move under my skin. All I did was wear a sling. I was back on the bike 6 weeks to the day, it hurt like ****, but it held up.

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#12 Post by jfarrar »

i was back riding in no more than 6 weeks(dont tell the doctor)mine didnt hurt much after the first 2 though.every time i went to the doctor he was like it doesnt appear to be the x rays t still looked broke but i couldnt wait any was a little sore to ride with though.

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#13 Post by wistech »

Maybe we should post all the xrays in the halls of destruction:D

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#14 Post by BM426Racer »

The surgen wont give me the xrays. He stood there the other day a chuckled and shook his head like he didnt believe what he was looking at, kinda freaked me out a little. I never got to see the xrays till like 2 weeks ago. Didn't really want to my whole shoulder was purple and blood colored. Nastiest bruise ive ever seen.

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#15 Post by quadprorider »

Well, I just got back from the docs and he set up a surgery for me June 10th. I will be getting a titanium plate and 6 ss screws placed on my collar bone. 5 weeks later it will be stronger then it was before and I will be able to ride again! I have the x-rays sitting right here in front of me and boy do they look ugly! After 2 weeks the 2 parts of my broken collar bone are still about 2 inches apart. So there is no chance of it healing correctly. In all the surgery should cost around $35,000 but that is what good ol' insurance is for! 2 days after the surgery he wants me to wear a brace and then after that I'm finally free. The surgery should take around 2 hours but with a few :drink: I wll be perfectly fine!

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#16 Post by wistech »

So is the plate billet. See if maybe some cannondale parts will fit then we can call you the

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#17 Post by quadprorider »

To tell you the truth I'm not really sure? I think that it is bent to the exact shape of my clavical bone so it has a tight fit. Will I have to carry around a special note all my life so that at the air port I can make it through the metal detector? ******, any idea(he would know since he probably opperates them for his job at the White House)

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#18 Post by cannondale27 »

Mine was broke in two spots with a little piece in between.It breaks because of your helmet pushing against it.Neck collar will stop alot of breaks.The jerks wouldnt pin mine though so 2 years later big lump there and shoulder is back further.Most football players and pro mx they can ride within two weeks of getting pinned.Doctors dont like to do it because of possible nerve damage after operation.

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#19 Post by BM426Racer »

At this point the doc said well just wait and see itll be 5 weeks next week. Go back to the doc tues to take more xrays. Im gonna be in the same boat with cannondale27, lump and a droopy shoulder. I don't have insurance at the moment so there is gonna be no surgery. At least i know that the bones are touching.

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#20 Post by cannondale27 »

Well on the positive side they claim it is stronger after break.I wonder if thats true?

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