Pray for my friends

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Pray for my friends

#1 Post by Cdalerider03 »

Lynz Wardlow and Tifani Reedy were in a quad accident, Lynz has a broken wrist, and Tifani has a broken ankle and OR leg. I really am not for sure at this time, but if you guys really care then ull reply or something, lets just say there 13-14 and tifanis bday is like tomorrow or something i think, and she has a broken leg, what a bday....lets just say they are a stick of bones, they are really skinny and small so please pray for them, thanks in advance

This happend at about 7-7:30 today 6/2/05


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#2 Post by USAMoto00 »

Where in Ohio are you located? What happened to them exactly?

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#3 Post by Cdalerider03 »

Southern Ohio, they hit a parked car, in 3rd gear and they were on a 250ex, they coulda turned but they never did, kinda stupid but accidents happends

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#4 Post by IRONSIDE »

That's a sad story. Hope your friends feel better soon. Your friends B-day present will be that she'll still be around to talk about the accident. Were they wearing helmets?

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#5 Post by cdalerider75 »

I hope they are ok!! I wish this was a safe sport... BTW.. parked car??? Did they turn into the car to avoid something else?

Again.. I hope they are ok

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#6 Post by Exodus »

Kids are kids, thats how we all learn at times I guess. Hope they get well soon and look at the bright side, it could have been much worse. Get well soon, and dont sell the bike, those kids learned a very valueable lesson.

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#7 Post by Cdalerider03 »

Originally posted by IRONSIDE
That's a sad story. Hope your friends feel better soon. Your friends B-day present will be that she'll still be around to talk about the accident. Were they wearing helmets?

Yeah isnt that true, one was wearings a helment, and they both wernt wearings shoes, no wonder why she broke her ankle, it woulda been better with some good old tenni shoes on, it has some support, thats what my mom always yells about, ankle support....I got some DC's and they work just fine, just make sure they fit ya

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#8 Post by Cdalerider03 »

Originally posted by cdalerider75
I hope they are ok!! I wish this was a safe sport... BTW.. parked car??? Did they turn into the car to avoid something else?

Again.. I hope they are ok

THis is a safe sport, they were on a 250ex and btw, they hit a parked car, and if they didnt hit that, then they hit nothing, one or the other

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#9 Post by Zerotact »

2 people were doubled up on a quad, only one was wearing a helmet. And they managed to hit a parked car in 3rd gear pinned.... :confused:

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#10 Post by Happyboy »

good luck to them...and clean out your pm box!!

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