Michael Jackson verdict

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#21 Post by Happyboy »

OK....how do you discipline your kid? Anyone can call DHS on you and say you beat your kid. You automatically do on a list of child abusers until an investigation by DHS is complete. If they find out that you do physically discipline your child then you would prob have to go to court. Then other parents would look at you as if you really did beat your child.

How do you think you would feel? Even though are you innocent having people look at you as if you were guilty?

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#22 Post by TheJaspMan »

Originally posted by Happyboy
OK....how do you discipline your kid?  Anyone can call DHS on you and say you beat your kid.  You automatically do on a list of child abusers until an investigation by DHS is complete.  If they find out that you do physically discipline your child then you would prob have to go to court.  Then other parents would look at you as if you really did beat your child.

How do you think you would feel?  Even though are you innocent having people look at you as if you were guilty?

Been there, done that.

I know this theory closer than you know. Please do not assume that I don't understand our 'great justice system'. And never assume you know me or my family. We have been to **** and back over the years. Child molestors, abusers and crack heads are not new words for me. I have seen these people first hand.

So let me ask, SPECIFICALLY, are you trying to say that his admission on inviting young boys into his bed is 'normal'? And NOT something that you would consider pedophilia?

What if it was little girls? What if it was YOUR little boy or girl?

Screw MJ. He made his bed. May he burn in **** for it. Obvisously a bunch of 'great Americans' don't worry about people like that. They are more worried about the mom being snotty and wanting money.

Too bad it's the kids that were hurt. And no one else.

Happy, are you seriously defending this guy? Or are you so laid back you feel that the 'great american justice system' is always correct? Please do not be so naive.

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#23 Post by CannibalAnimal »

Just my .02. He has been through this more than once before resulting in payoffs. This is not a coincidence. Even so, he was proven innocent, be it because of money or not. YOu have to respect the justice system. Having said that, I would not leave my kids around him because it has happen to many times. But I wouldn't leave my kids around any stranger for that matter. To each his own.

But I still like his music.

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#24 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
And never assume you know me or my family.

I didn't and wouldn't. Just putting up a hypothetical

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
So let me ask, SPECIFICALLY, are you trying to say that his admission on inviting young boys into his bed is 'normal'? And NOT something that you would consider pedophilia?
Normal? No. Pedophilia? We don't know. We have no idea what went on in that house. At this point all we know is he openly invites families of all kinda to his house and has had sleep overs in his room with the kids. Makes you wonder but still just an acusation. I really think he is just a litlte kid himself. Which is why he would openly say those things. I think he has mental problems and is not an adult.

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Happy, are you seriously defending this guy? Or are you so laid back you feel that the 'great american justice system' is always correct? Please do not be so naive.

I am not naive at all. My family and I know too well that all it takes is an accusation to ruin a carrer and almost ruin someone. I guess for that I have to take the middle ground stance and say we just don't know the truth!

I wasn't on the jury and we definately don't know the facts so I can not say he is 100% guilty or innocent. Just like Scott Peterson and OJ. Yeah, its easy to just say the money got them off but then aren't you being just a bit paranoid? You either beleive in the justice system or you don't. If you don't then what are you going about it?

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#25 Post by bombsquad54 »

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: jaspman and happyboy, LOL check this out jaspMAN and happyBOY are fighting, sounds like your both arguing like GIRLS , LOL just kidding fellas' just thought id make a funny.

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#26 Post by Happyboy »

I heard you were switching from a bike to a mini so you wouldn't hurt yourself bomb!

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#27 Post by bombsquad54 »

nah still got the r

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#28 Post by azcannon »

I stand by my statement.... Innocent until proven guilty, the assumption someone is not innocent because they werent proven guilty is extremely dangerous. That would be a very hard to win popularity contest and all pretty people would get off and Ugly and creepy ones would go to jail wether or not they committed a crime ,I personally think he is a pedophile - I have a right to my opinion - I also heard on the news he was aquitted which meant not proven beyond a reasonable doubt , as many times as that kid spent the night with him it should have been easy to prove he did bad stuff .
Funny thing is that's not good enough , I believe in God and yes he will not get away with his sins but without proving it in a court of law he should be deemed innocent. Thats the way its suppose to work.
He will undoubtedly go through a civil trial now and loose millions of dollars and have to pay the mom and son millions of dollars LIKE OJ and that is the other reason why the system is corrupt , for as many people that say " good he had to PAY " are the same ones causing it to fail on the actual only side which should matter the criminal side. Money does run the system but its the public writing the rulebook ..... you and me. I have retained attorney's and represented myself ( in divorces ) and served on a jury and taking someones freedom is not something to do lightly and it should require proof.
I would like to point out when this all started he said the truth would come out and he would be aquitted, say what you want but when it happened I thought maybe he was innocent and Yes he totally creeps me out.

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#29 Post by azcannibal »

Well put azcannon!:usa

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#30 Post by jfarrar »

i pledge allegiance to the flag...micheal jackson is a f@&!!!:drink:

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