CRF 450 in a cannondale frame?!

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#21 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by LapTraffic
[B]it doesnt???

nope smile.gif

how is like comparing apples to oranges?there both quads

yes theyre both quads, but that's like saying Ashley Judd and Wynonna Judd are both women...

They are night and day different to ride.  

The CRF is very small, light, nimble with torque forever.  The motor is unbelievable.  No hit, very smooth and linear.

The Cannondale is bigger, and has snap, THough a nimble bike, I dont think it s comparable  to the CRF in this category.

overall, whats better?

Depends on what you're doing.

In MX the CRF takes it hands down.  I think anyone who's ridden one would agree.

XC, more of a wash here, and I dont have enough time on the CRF to make a call.  The dale is very comfortable over broken terrain.  The CRF is smaller and 'twitchier"  though the power is very smooth.

If you're a really aggressive rider I think youd like the CRF.

Either way, "I" like and "Im" riding it, you're mileage may [/B]

Thank you, thats all i was looking for. The reason I asked how they compare is because Ive ridin the dale and no they are night and day differance and wanted to know what you perfered.

Although i think your using the wrong analogy, lol.
I wont go any further with that as to risk this turning ugly, lol.

CPTHOOK, he didnt reallt anwser the first tine. His last post was an anwser.

When i rode a cannon dale i felt the oppisite as you did though. I thought the dale was much smoother and easier to ride the my crf. I felt that my crf had more of a violent hit then the dale. I think it was easier to hold onto the dale because the power has smoother delivery.

the milage on the crf is terrible, it sux down gas worse then my R

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#22 Post by LapTraffic »

Although i think your using the wrong analogy, lol.
I wont go any further with that as to risk this turning ugly, lol.

You dont know which one is Ashley and which one is Wynonna (I was testing you)

When i rode a cannon dale i felt the oppisite as you did though. I thought the dale was much smoother and easier to ride the my crf. I felt that my crf had more of a violent hit then the dale. I think it was easier to hold onto the dale because the power has smoother delivery.

I wonder if this could be a function of gearing? Iver thought the cannondale was very smooth in power, but I kinda liked that and ran maps that gave it that hit.

Now that I've done it for awhile I found I really appreciated the very linear , though very powerful way that the CRF comes on.

I have it geared pretty tall though, 14 / 38 with 20's in the rear. The motor cycle gearing internally makes this REALLY freakin tall.

the milage on the crf is terrible, it sux down gas worse then my R

You're not kidding! Getting a 4.0 gallon tank and might go with a dry break on it. It really sucks it down. I actually ran out of gas racing my friend's.

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#23 Post by mxer450 »

Originally posted by LapTraffic
[b]Although i think your using the wrong analogy, lol.
I wont go any further with that as to risk this turning ugly, lol.

You dont know which one is Ashley and which one is Wynonna (I was testing you)

When i rode a cannon dale i felt the oppisite as you did though. I thought the dale was much smoother and easier to ride the my crf. I felt that my crf had more of a violent hit then the dale. I think it was easier to hold onto the dale because the power has smoother delivery.

I wonder if this could be a function of gearing?  Iver thought the cannondale was very smooth in power, but I kinda liked that and ran maps that gave it that hit.

Now that I've done it for awhile I found I really appreciated the very linear , though very powerful way that the CRF comes on.

I have it geared pretty tall though, 14 / 38 with 20's in the rear.  The motor cycle gearing internally makes this REALLY freakin tall.

the milage on the crf is terrible, it sux down gas worse then my R

You're not kidding!  Getting a 4.0 gallon tank and might go with a dry break on it.  It really sucks it down.  I actually ran out of gas racing my friend's. [/B]

i thought you run MX but i guess not if you wanna run a dry brake, man thats rough, lol.i think the crf motor sux too much gas to use in the woods
im running the stock front sprocket, 14 i think and a 38 rear with 18" tires.i tried running a 36 rear but it pulls so much better out of turns with the 38.

i know which judd is which thats why i dont want to comment on your analogy, lol

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