I broke my prancriass

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I broke my prancriass

#1 Post by Exodus »

Went to a race Sat, what a lousey day. We showed up at a Fairgrounds race in Sidney, it was a supercross style track, a lot like the one in my backyard in fact. I took the Cannondale along thinking I might go ahead and race for the fun of it. Well the track had a series of doubles, and hard whoop section, killed it twice through them, and three slingshot table tops. One of which was a 35 ft gap, with a 80 ft downside, I went out for practice and hit the doubles a little hard, but proceeded to jump everything else. I jumped the big slingshot once and didnt have to much of a prob. The second lap I hit the whoops quite a bit harder and they went a lot easier. I got to the big sling shot again and hit it pretty hard in third gear, this thing throws you way up there. Somewhere around 30 ft up or so, well about the time I hit the jetstream the wind blew me way off target and I landed just on the edge of the landing. The right side stuck and the quad threw me off then proceeded to beat me into the ground about three times. The EMT siad I probably broke a couple ribs, but I think thier just bruised pretty bad. To top it off, the kid that I am sponsoring, broke a finger off the clutch basket which made its way to the rest of tranny and blew out first gear. What a lousy day!

On a side note, What is stock length on the steering stem? Mine is really really bent and I need to get another. I'm not sure what stock length is or if Colby put a +1 on it, and I'd like to keep what I have. Its a chrome Houser, Anybody have one for sale?

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#2 Post by Derno24 »

Pretty sure Colby had a stock length stem.

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#3 Post by cannondale27 »

Did they take your pancreas out?I hope not:(

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#4 Post by Exodus »

LOL, I tell you what, I haven't had the wind knocked out of me like that since I was 7 when I fell out of the tree house. I got to be honest here, I'm not the 100 triple kind of guy. I hit it once and thought I could actually handle it, but man, that is a heck of long ways up there. The difference between it and the 70 at home was no comparison. I just completely screwed up, and I'm still kicking myself over it. I'd love to hit another jump like that, but it wont be this week. LOL

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#5 Post by kevin00 »

Man the dale riders in nebraska cant shake the injury bug this year. sad.gif
at least i made it through a weekend of hard riding at killpecker last weekend.

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