ATK & Ebay

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#31 Post by Canniboomer »

You're still OK, Sand. How has that wrist healed up?

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#32 Post by TheJaspMan »

If they intend on developing a new quad, why keep it a secret? Are people kicking in doors for Cdale technology these days? Not likely. And at some point the machine itself is going to fall behind the times. Another two years and people will scoff at ATK trying to sell a machine that is 25% higher in price than the new stuff.

Zuki is coming out with their MX ready model for LESS than the YFZ. And 'yes' it's supposed to be ready to race. So what happens when ATK tries to put out a machine that MAY be comparable to the Zuki for twice as much?

ATK knows this data. Personally I think ATK sold all they need to in order to make back all the money the initial purchase cost them. Now every part they sell (from the Cdale inventory) is pure profit. And besides a couple people, what has ATK really done for the mass Cdale owners? Nothing except be a parts supplier. A few guys on here have done more for these machine in regards to R&D and maintnence than ATK has done.

And Dinli, don't get me started.

I am a die hard Cdale fan. It's the Indian of quads. But you have to buy one with that in mind. It's a great item to own, they are fast, they are light, they run great, they are not overly expensive to keep up, they are American made and they are unique. But they are no longer being produced. And I doubt they ever will be again. By anyone.

If Sandstorm, Jeff or Haydug knows something about ATK that I don't that's great! But ATKs track record in my book has been weak. In fact, I figure the only changes they ever 'came up with' probably came from lurking on this site. Then poping out of a box and saying 'Look what we did!'.

My .02$

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#33 Post by badvox »

Originally posted by TheJaspMan
Now every part they sell (from the Cdale inventory) is pure profit. My .02$

Ya, know that many of the parts they do sell are all ordered right? I bought stuff from them and they referred me to the "purchasing department" because they didnt stock those parts. Granted they weren't motor parts but the throttle assy and a clutch assy? I would have thought they would keep those in stock.

I dont know as much as you guys do for sure but I thought they got more than motor parts.


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#34 Post by CptHook »

I think I agree with jasp in his first two paragraphs. They should at least let out some kind of info, get a hype going for it in the general public, including non-dalers i.e. people that arent just on these forums, instead of keeping it completely under wraps. I dont really see the point of keeping it too secret, later on down the road after these other machines have come out, pop out of left field with a new quad that no one was even anticipating, and then everyone will be like ", well, I already bought my new 'zuki/yami/kawi/honda/etc. so whatever". Thats my take on it, the only reason that I would see them keeping it this secretive is if they really dont have a solid idea of what they are going to do yet.

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#35 Post by GDITheman »

they have no marketing strategy. hmmmm.......maybe because they have nothing to market. disappointing actions from ATK.

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#36 Post by cdalerider75 »

I think most people are way off base...

Do you really think that Dinli would build up a product line and not have contracts to get more parts built?

Now the only reason why anyone talks about or knows ATK is because of their involvement with Cannondale. Would they spend all that money to get that website up and going to a very good level just to dump out.

If ATK dumped out right now... what would they have for a product line????

Also it cost ATK money to keep this stuff on hand..

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#37 Post by CptHook »

I dont think they are planning to dump. I just think it is a poor marketing strategy, if it even is a strategy, to wait so long to give out any information, unless they are really that far away from completion.

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#38 Post by Happyboy »

Originally posted by cdalerider75
I think most people are way off base...

Do you really think that Dinli would build up a product line and not have contracts to get more parts built?

Now the only reason why anyone talks about or knows ATK is because of their involvement with Cannondale. Would they spend all that money to get that website up and going to a very good level just to dump out.

If ATK dumped out right now... what would they have for a product line????

Also it cost ATK money to keep this stuff on hand..

Dinli motors and cannondale motors are going to be different. To what degree we don't know. I have heard rumors on both sides about how they won't or will be compatible. They have 0 to do wiht ATK unless something gets leaked to the public.

ATK has been around for a while and make other bikes. The cannondale is just the biggest $$ oppurtunity they have had. So they are going to push it as far as they can.

They will and would have another product line. I beleive they are in the works right now with some jap/tai companies.

And warehouse space is cheap if they already have it. The parts business for them is a gold mine. Don't think for a minute they are loosing money on parts.

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#39 Post by badvox »

Originally posted by Happyboy The parts business for them is a gold mine.  Don't think for a minute they are loosing money on parts. [/B]

I dont think anyone here has sympathy or worries about them losing money on parts. In fact quite the contrary. They are making a **** fortune on parts from everyone.


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#40 Post by Sandstorm »

Some things are very high priced, but Frank has a business to run. Workers comp, paid vacation, and the big insurance. I don't know if other vendors that sell the Dale parts offer all of this. Frank has about 15 employees or so???? Not bagging on others, but lets be real about Franks costs not just what he sell things to us for.. His building certainly isn't a cheap POS..

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