Cant Stand It Anymore!!!!!

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Cant Stand It Anymore!!!!!

#1 Post by 02canirider »

well, as most of you know, i am in the desert, and was supposed to leave on the first. well, that flight got overbooked by like 100 people, so we got delayed 24 hours. that time came around, and they told us our jet wasnt here, so they delayed us another day. finally, our jet came in. we were all ready to go, but they said the piolot had orders to come back to the states with NO passengers. i sat outside, smoking a cigarette, and watched our plane take off. i think that was one of the most heart-breaking things EVER. so im still sitting here, waiting for a flight. just my luck huh??:cry: :mad:

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#2 Post by haydug »

Hang in there. You'll be here before you know it.

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#3 Post by ducman »

Don't give up, I have been there before sitting on a refueling base watching planes heading back to the states and I couldn't catch a ride.

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#4 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

great, we are getting screwed on gas prices, and the gov't is flying planes overseas and back for no reason

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#5 Post by 02canirider »

well, just got good news. i will be leaving in about 14 hours!!! (if they dont delay this one!) talk to you all when i get back

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