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#41 Post by CptHook »

hnnblehscnnble, somehow I completely missed your post, you guys got a site where I can check your stuff out?

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#42 Post by CptHook »

haha chainsaw, thats awesome man :head: I think one of the funnier parts is that you have the same expression on your face in the "Who Are You?" thread. Sucks that you arent in an area that is more into metal/hardcore, must be frusterating to work your *** off for a crowd that really isnt into your style. Half the fun of playing metal/hardcore shows is watching people destroy themselves out on the floor. That scene is pretty decent up in this area, even though some people say its dead here, you just have to know where to go for the shows.

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#43 Post by CannondaleRider »

Heres my acoustic, Epiphone AJ-100.

I payed $100.00 for it as a guitar to mess around on and not worry to much about messing up(ordered it with my $300 dollar amp, and $100 in all the little stuff). I was thinking it would sound dull and have horrid action...yeah, this guitar is a steal for that price. It sounds quite good, and playes very nice(a little more buzz then i'd like).

It was planned for me to get a new electric about a month after I got the amp and all the gear...yeah that never happened, lol. I'm stuck with a cheap Yamaha electric that I got off an old lady for $50 bucks, lol...It just flat out sucks. Action is horrible, sound is horrible, neck width is way to small, intonation is WAY off, and the high e string angles down so its hard to solo without pulling it off the fretboard....:confused:

I'm really wanting a new electric still...plans are to get an Epiphone G-400:

If I EVER get that, i plan on also getting another acoustic that has the tone for the acoustic stuff I play(HIM Acoustics) Ville from HIM uses a '67 Gibson J-200....towel please, lol.

I've heard that the Epi version has the same basic tone as the J it would be good to have. Epiphone EJ-200:

As you can tell, I like Epiphones....I like them because I LOVE Gibsons A LOT, but can't afford them...****, I can't afford copies, lol...some day

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#44 Post by CHAINSAW »

Originally posted by CptHook
haha chainsaw, thats awesome man :head: I think one of the funnier parts is that you have the same expression on your face in the "Who Are You?" thread. Sucks that you arent in an area that is more into metal/hardcore, must be frusterating to work your *** off for a crowd that really isnt into your style. Half the fun of playing metal/hardcore shows is watching people destroy themselves out on the floor. That scene is pretty decent up in this area, even though some people say its dead here, you just have to know where to go for the shows.

yeah, I dont smile smile.gif The last band I was in, we were going to move to Arizona because we heard the scene was pretty good around there. It never panned out though, and my drummer got married, had a kid, I got married and moved, but the rest of the guys are still rocking at small local shows up there. Last I heard from the lead guitarist, he just got done jamming with Zakk Wylde in some studio.. lucky F'r. He was the only one that ended up moving out west, and look where that got him. time with one of the greatest guitarists of our time... He is the short little guy on the far left in this pic. This was our last promo pic from the last band I was in..... **** we were good, to bad we couldnt get motivated to move though.

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#45 Post by Psychosis »

I found an old file on my computer that is from a song written almost two years ago. Since then my skills have changed dramatically and I have much better cymbals. I had a Pearl Export set at the time w/unknown cymbals. It was recorded on an old computer system at my house so quality is horrible but you get the idea of the style music we played. (Turn up the speakers to hear it.)

At the time it was just me, my bassist, and the guitarist which is who I recently joined back up w/. He has became a lot better now but the bassist is no longer in the area. We actually have taken that song recently and updated it a little and it sounds much better, but I have no recording software or a mic for it. No vocals yet either.

Click below and then download the clip. For only being like 28sec. it's like 1.16mb, which is strange, so should take a few minutes on dial-up. Sorry it's not bigger but my computer only allows up to 1.16mb uploads to the site it's hosted on. It's the rhythm from a song called Every Other Thought.

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#46 Post by jesshamner »

That sounds similar to our demo tapes...yeah thats right...I said tapes. We actually had a mixer that our guitarist bought when we were really working on a demo cd. If I could get some sound files from that I would post them. While recording the tape, it was recorded by a mic hanging from the rafters in the garage we were playing in. LOL. Nice huh?

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#47 Post by CptHook »

Nice. When I ordered my laptop, I got it with a recording package as well, so Ive got a few mixing/mastering/burning programs to play with. Ive got a few recordings from our jams (from my softer band) that I just did with a regular 1/8 computer mic, but it sounds pretty **** good for what it is. We play at our work after hours, my boss is awesome. Its basically just a big concrete warehouse (we work at a bakery), so the sound quality isnt that great, lots of echo, also I have to tear down my drumset and transport it there and back everytime I want to jam, but hey its a jam space for now. When I get some cuts of stuff that I am actually satisfied with Ill put it up on myspace or something, at this point its just me on drums and him on guitar. We are trying out bassists at the moment. Going to do a first recording of my hardcore band tonight if we get together, if that goes well Ill post it up.

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#48 Post by badvox »

So, if we "were" in a band should we post mp3's of the good ole days? I have been in many bands the last was definitely the best. We played I guess what you would consider now like new hard rock stuff say like the exies...

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Just one of my many "used to be's"

Downloadable MP3's


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#49 Post by JerJer24 »

I use promark 747B super rock ( its a 5B but longer 16 3/4 in )
Pearl Masters Birch Vintage sunburst with matching snare, Sabian AAX cymbals

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#50 Post by jesshamner »

I have seen a lot of people using Sabians nowadays. How do you like them compared to Zildjan? That's what I have always used but I'm starting to look for a more crisp sound. The hi hat sounds really shotty on my set.

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