Pretty Much worst expeirience ever. C-Dale problems.

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#11 Post by gimpala63n70 »

Yea its like the best feeling ever.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#12 Post by jesshamner »

Originally posted by gimpala63n70
Yea its like the best feeling ever.

I bet you had a huge smile whenever you came back from your little test ride. I smiled every time I rode my for the first month or so. I still do sometimes....I guess whenever I drag race my friends on their 450s.tongue.gif smile.gif

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#13 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

Originally posted by Happyboy
WOW is all I can say.  That sounds more like a freak incedent than anything.  This is not common for impact gun usage.  I use the impact gun on mine with 0 issues.  There are always those people out there that can screw up anything.
I wouldn't say screw anything up, but my dad (RoooStErPops can loctite and torque anything down that only he can get it off.

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