Beware: Worse pics ull ever see.

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#11 Post by gimpala63n70 »

I posted it on bluetraxx, ive been on that site for years, yea theyll crack just ignore them who cares. The frame isnt repairable, all the welds separated

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#12 Post by jfarrar »

jeez man that sucks bad.this is the third i at lorrettas a few years it out in time running next moto the woods quad now this one sorry man

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#13 Post by z400m1x »

Sorry to hear about this. I would hate for that to happen. Hope you can get it fixed and ride.

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#14 Post by wistech »

Why didnt the fuel tank burn up? Is it fire retardant plastic. Its just melted to a point and then still intact at the rear. How about the magnesium covers ? Or were they aluminum. I agree with Happyboy about the fuel lines. We have been testing some new stuff separatley for over a year with good results. I think everyone should really check the fuel lines very closely. that means sliding back the sleeving . Although its very difficult to determine the actual causes of these fires. It may just be a + wire rubbed through to ground. I dont think there is a fusable link in the circuit . Maybe we should get some installed?
I also see a lot of wires hanging down on top of the radiator. They should be bundled and strapped up. Sorry for your loss man.

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#15 Post by gimpala63n70 »

Um, the fuel tank didnt burn because it just exploded, the front of the quad was only damaged, and as for the wires...Um what can i say it was just in a FIRE and they were bundled maybe the bundle And the fire hose from fire truck mangled somethings:cry:

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#16 Post by wanablaze »

Tough luck, man.

On a positive note, you said the motor cleaned up? Clean up the bike, throw away what you must and salvage the rest. The motor is the most expensive part. The frames are actually cheap in comparison, a few hundo.

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#17 Post by jesshamner »

That sucks dude. Sorry to hear about that.

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#18 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

maybe someone with a frame and a wiring harness will sell it to you real cheap on here. Dalers have always been known to pull together. Those seem like the most important parts If you want to try to rebuild it, I have an airbox you can have.

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#19 Post by gimpala63n70 »

hey "thejester" thanks for the offer

I have the brand new silver plastics, airbox, and like new seat they werent on in the fire.

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#20 Post by cannondale27 »

I am no expert in these matters for sure but my guess is the battery exploded.Take a look at left lower.That is where most damage occured.Even the injector fuel line is still intact.I think the motor is definitly salvageable.Get some baking soda and water on everything though before the battery acid eats the aluminum up.Frame,covers,wiring harness are major things youll need but I bet with patience $500 would get you all that.Hang in there.Sorry to see this.

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