yet another problem.....

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#21 Post by 440EX4ME »

Originally posted by jesshamner
ATK is only in it for the money.

The money is pretty much what every business is in it for, and thats sort of both a good and bad thing.

I look at how much attention and concern Cannondale put towards there customers, and how much money they invested in all the updates and warranty repairs etc, and where it helped them end up.

Though I still agree with the idea of standing behind your product or work, there is a point that it can actually become a negative to the customer since the owners of the product really need the company to stay in business more than to get into financial problems from putting too much into support and there not be a company to back the product or continue sales to maintain resale values etc.

I hate to pick on yami and the raptor again, but I also cant count all the previous raptor owners who had no issues purchasing a yfz from the same company that left so many owners out in the cold.

I guess there is some sort of magic line that the mfg needs to stay within that allows them to stay profitable, and also keep us happy enough that we still buy from them in the future.

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#22 Post by jesshamner »

Well, i guess i could word that differently but I think you get my point. I'm not sure what their prices are now but when they first bought the cdale parts, they were selling them for what retail was before cdale went under. You know they only paid cents on the dollar for those parts. I guess what I mean is that we are their market and they aren't really creating a loyal fan base.

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#23 Post by 440EX4ME »

Originally posted by jesshamner
Well, i guess i could word that differently but I think you get my point.  I'm not sure what their prices are now but when they first bought the cdale parts, they were selling them for what retail was before cdale went under.  You know they only paid cents on the dollar for those parts.  I guess what I mean is that we are their market and they aren't really creating a loyal fan base.

I wasnt really disputing your post, but rather just adding to the idea of why etc, and I do agree with the loyalty issue too.

It was a real negative to the sport when Dale went under since they really caused the big three to put some effort into atv's and stop just reaping large profits from a inferior product etc, but as much as this company and its product changed things in the sport there demise still left so many owners in a state of anexiety over what would happen to their investment.

So I guess my point was that if riders had supported cannondale like they do honda or yami etc things would be different, and maybe they wouldnt have had to invest as much $$$ into the original loyalties, but also that ATK should learn from this and manage to somehow continue to update the product, maintain loyalty and still remain profitable so that history does not repeat itself.

Understand that I am a fan of the Cdales, and it was the only ATV I had considered for a replacement of my current machine, but like so many others I was not excited about all the uncertainties of the bankruptcy and decided against the purchase.

So there must be a middle road between how some mfg's ignore their mistakes and leave the consumer to bear the expense, and covering so much that they end up going belly up.

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#24 Post by jesshamner »

Well, said. We're definitely on the same page.

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#25 Post by 440EX4ME »

Originally posted by jesshamner
Well, said.  We're definitely on the same page.

Cool, but there are still going to be thousands of people with corrosion damage and no idea on who is going to be paying for it biggrin.gif

Maybe the mfg's need to replace some of the safety warnings with one about how you may be 100% responsible for their scew ups and mistakes. rolleyes.gif

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