Finally riding again

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Finally riding again

#1 Post by chigger81 »

Today, I got to ride my own cannondale on my own trails for the first time. It may sound a little weird, but for me, this is quite an acomplishment. biggrin.gif Its been about a year since I sold my old bike and started the dale progect. I bought an fx400 on ebay with a bad crank and got an education on dales. I strugled with it for quite a while and finally took it to happyboy who found a small problem in the motor work holding it up. After some irritation, and alot of troubleshooting by several people, she is running. At any rate, Ive got a very updated dale and its pretty quick too.

Before sunday, I had never been on a running cannondale before. I went down to happy's to pick it up and rode the bike a little in arkansas. Its very different from any bike ive been on before, but I really didnt learn much cause I wasn't really all there after the long trip and the night before it.

So, Dale and I didnt really get to know eachother till today. I took about a 30- 40 minute ride still taking it kinda easy. I love it! Ive only stabed the gas hard, not really pushed it. I know its capable of some serious acceleration cause I cant keep the wheels down in the first 3 gears when I stab it. I really want to give it a hard run though all the gears, but Im gonna wait till I run it for one more break in ride. The power seems so smooth and it just moves effortlessly. I cant seem to make the motor labor. I even dogged it in 5th at 55 or so and it just purrs till you romp it and then she takes off. With the blaze/speed map im using, Ive been finding spots in the power band that feel stronger than others and its really pretty neat to play with. I think once I get used to it, Ill prolly go down a couple teeth on the back sproket cause it seems to pull all the gears very very well. Im really impressed with everything about this bike so far. My only nag is that its idling a little rougher up here than it was in arkansas, but thats nothing a d&m cant fix. Im gettin better about not givin her gas when I start it too, though thats gonna take some getting used to.

Everyone from the site Ive done business with or asked for advice has treated my right. Id really like to thank the whole site for helping me with this progect. In particular Happyboy and Timbo for their work and for helping me out.

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#2 Post by cannondale27 »

:clap: Your hooked now I bet:D

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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#3 Post by chigger81 »

A little, but Id say I will be in love with it after the first time I rip hard through all 5. biggrin.gif

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:41 pm

#4 Post by kdeal »


I am glad you finally scratched that itch.....


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