ATV - Riding Tips and Technique

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#21 Post by DMAC10 »

Hay Jess

Man don't laugh at my number of years. I earned everyone of

Most of them I had to endure a little pain to get threw, anyway I think I did, The memory seems to be fading from time to time:cry:
I am constantly thinking that I'm faster that I am, and then it hits me (I'm not). The next thought is Crap thats going to leave a mark.

EVERYONE have a happy Holiday and ride safe.:usa :head:

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#22 Post by jesshamner »

I was laughing because you put 45 and a half. Not the number of years but the fact that you added the half. As in....6 1/2 years old. LOL.

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#23 Post by haydug »

Originally posted by CDaleChick
best tip ever.....dont let off the gas on the face of a jump!

Or, let completly off on the face, and scrub speed to stay low. Just BE CAREFUL!! That trick can lead to an instant trip right over the bars if not done correctly! :usa

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#24 Post by Quadhauler »

Jumping? Hmmm that's a tough one... Like downhills it depends on the jump. On supercross style (steep faced) jumps it's usually best to use the bikes suspension by preloading it into the face of the jump while whicking the throttle open at the same instant to get a good launch. On flatter rolling jumps a smooth throttle through the face of the jump is usually best, whether it be full throttle of half throttle depending on how far you want to fly. Controlling in the air flight attitude is super important, if your front end is high, stab the back brake to bring the front end down, if the front end is low, grab a handfull of throttle to bring the a$$ end back down. Good landings are really the most important part of jumping in my opinion though and controlling the bike/quads attitude to match that of the landing area is what is best. If you are doing a double and landing on the downside of the second jump then landing with a nose down attitude to match the downslope of the jump is going to give you the best opportunity for a soft landing. We go out in the dunes and find a good dune for some pretty serious airtime and it's amazing to watch a guy who knows what he is doing fly twice as far amd land twice as soft as a guy who doesn't have a clue and it's all because the guy who knows what he is doing lands his bike in the same attitude as the landing area on the dune. In otherwords, if you land rear wheel first on a downslope, you are in trouble...

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#25 Post by CDaleChick »

Originally posted by haydug
Or, let completly off on the face, and scrub speed to stay low. Just BE CAREFUL!!  That trick can lead to an instant trip right over the bars if not done correctly!  :usa

yeah i wouldnt try that one until you have been jumping for a while hahaha... biggrin.gif I love doin that tho.... gettin the nose angled the perfect amount downwards for that sweeeeet landing biggrin.gif

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#26 Post by hnnblehscnnble »

ok i havent read all the posts due to adhd not allowing me to do so:mad: but heres my two cents.on down hills i gas it and put some of my weight ont he rear.maybe because im young and dumb but thats what i do.keep by the controls though.on small jumps what i teach my brother because he tends to over shoot even when carrying speed let off right before then blip the throttle up the lipe, and kind throw the bike into the jump.this should arc you over so u land with the landing.its not the best explanation but it is working for my brother.


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Now its just a matter of...

#27 Post by badvox »

Going out and finding a hill!! :-) All of your posts have been great. As far as jumping goes Im in no hurry to jump.
But downhills are always there.

I think being an ex ramp and pool skater screwed up my thinking on going downhill. Ive been leaning into the slope which according to all the posts is totally wrong. I have no idea why I was thinking this way I guess just cause I didnt know any different.

Thanks for all the tips.


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#28 Post by azcannon »

I have a tip which could totally be worthless to you but made a big difference for me in confidence about 5 years ago when I started doing fire roads on my dirtbike. I was always worried about going down ( crashing) while navigating steep roads with downturns downhill with loose gravel scattered on hardpack .
Looked like a nightmare to me when coming over a hill too fast and not wanting to eat a bunch of sharp rocks before missing the turn. Well one day I spooked a Deer and shut it down to keep from hitting him/her on my bike , I was literally shocked at how fast I could stop when I didn't care about crashing just not wanting to hit something ..... while fueled by adrenaline.
Anyways it opened my eyes to what I didn't believe I could do and made a huge difference in my riding attitude after that. I found that even on the worst hills I could stop anytime I wanted too instead of the dreaded dump and after that part of my initial ride warmup is to find a small slope and stop on it and then roll the rest of the way to get my confidence in the terrain boosted. works great for me!
I also like to watch nrath climb china wall on his c-dale with holeshots instead of paddles on Mjolliner's Glamis video that makes me a believer I won't die also.( I have Haulers)

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