Supporting our Cannondale covergirl

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#261 Post by twisted »

Hey guys, want another person to support? Im bugging Brad everyday and parts are a hassle for me.. Im a b-class rider and will be running redbud next year probably.. Who wants to help me? lol

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#262 Post by jesshamner »

LOL...I think we're all in that boat Twisted. I agree with 27. She had her mind made up that she wanted something else. I personally think it was best for her anyway. Unfortunately it happened this way. She had a hard time with the upkeep of the cdale with no help other than the extreme makeover quad style from Wistech. I salute everyone for their efforts to get her going though.

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#263 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

I am glad someone else said it. I think she seems to be a reckless rider and likes to blame her problems/crashes on the quad.
Most of us Race, all of us crash, it happens and is part of the sport. I wrecked the other week, it was nowhere near my fault, except I wasn't going into the corner as fast as the other guy, but I was coming out faster.
I wish her well on a new quad.

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#264 Post by jcv440 »

Can't blame her for making the switch. In amateur racing, money is the biggest worry. Custom parts for a Cannondale or parts off the shelf at the local Suzuki shop.......seems like a easy choice to me. She would need a full time mechanic, a back up quad and a trailer full of parts at all times to make it racing on a Cannondale. It's hard to pick up parts at a race for a Cannondale. No shop that attends a race has replacement parts outside of sparkplugs. You rely on what you bring!

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#265 Post by Derno24 »

QUOTE (jcv440 @ Sep 1 2006, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can't blame her for making the switch. In amateur racing, money is the biggest worry. Custom parts for a Cannondale or parts off the shelf at the local Suzuki shop.......seems like a easy choice to me. She would need a full time mechanic, a back up quad and a trailer full of parts at all times to make it racing on a Cannondale. It's hard to pick up parts at a race for a Cannondale. No shop that attends a race has replacement parts outside of sparkplugs. You rely on what you bring!

Well I can be a little nastier than you though. Unlike most amatuer racers she was given a completely built machine. The idea that it will be any different for her on a suzuki than on a Cannondale is a little ridiculous. Wistech did her a great favor and the first chance to run for the door she did. As for parts she constantly begged for more. I BUY all of my own parts and have never asked anyone for a handout. There are many guys on this site that would have loved the opourtunity given to her, but were never given the chance. I apologize for my bluntness, but I figured it would end something like this......

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#266 Post by ABM-CANNIBAL »

QUOTE (wistech @ Aug 28 2006, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with Derno . After talking with Kara she indicated that she could get better sponsor support if she ran something else. And look how tough its been just keeping hers going these last few years. Simple problems turn into major headaches when there is nobody with the knowhow to get it handled locally. Had the engine been inspected after the truck accident maybe her crash at the track could have been avoided .
I dont blame her , she has to do what she thinks is best. She fullfilled her part of the deal and put the Dale on the podium showing all it could be done .

I couldn't image her getting any better support than what you guys did for her. In all her post, she never has money for parts or shocks. Lets see when her LTR breaks how much help she gets from other LTR riders that are willing to do things for free. My quad has been down for 2 months now waiting on parts and switching brands hasn't crossed my mind. And yes I am a fellow racer that is missing races right now.

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#267 Post by theJeStEr1340 »

If anything the zuki will be harder, she will have to buy one and then she will not have the dale community behind her to donate parts.

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#268 Post by jesshamner »

I think you are just saying what a lot of us are thinking Derno. Did anyone else see that she tried to get into Pappy's Quad Extreme Makeover thing on exriders? This was after the accident but ****. 1 free built quad isn't good enough. I'll see if I can find the thread.

Yeah but there will be a lot more people to ask for spare parts.

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#269 Post by wistech »

Just for the record I talked with Kara at least a year before about helping out. After her troublesome years previously I thought she just deserved a engine that could match hers skills. You have to admit she pretty much dominated with the revamped quad. Heck this was the first year she had ever won a race. After winning the first race our deal was satisfied and I expected nothing else from her.
The only thing that ever bothered me was when she told me that others wanted to get thier hands on the engine to see what I had done to it. But that wouldnt be so bad because everything I did was posted for all to see except the porting work and intake system.

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#270 Post by peterock »

Can't blame her for making the switch???? Looks like to me a lot was done for her. Parts seemed to be covered for the most part and probably could have had some sort of contingency through ATK to cover future parts. I don't see honda, yamaha, or suzuki offering that to the average joe?

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