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#11 Post by GDITheman »

that's just sick. can't wait to hear what setup he's running.

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#12 Post by wistech »

Congradulations. I knew all you needed was a kick in the pants to get you motivated.
What color 70hp club decals would you like oh master of roost . This will be pending legitimate dyno charts of course . I do hope you video taped the runs.

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#13 Post by kdeal »

QUOTE (wistech @ Apr 29 2007, 09:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congradulations. I knew all you needed was a kick in the pants to get you motivated.
What color 70hp club decals would you like oh master of roost . This will be pending legitimate dyno charts of course . I do hope you video taped the runs.

Dang, Wistech is the Dyno Queen again! I think he likes it!

Steve, way to go on the congrats. Can't even let him enjoy it for a minute, huh?

Inquiring minds: Big Timbo motor (lots of dollars), NO2 injection (more dollars), looks on C27's face (priceless)!!!!!

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#14 Post by kdeal »


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#15 Post by Happyboy »

On the road but I will try to post tonight.

On the road but I will try to post tonight.

58.04hp w/ 38.80

72.60hp w/ 46.70

Max torque was 47.15

Didn't need the nitrous at all.

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#16 Post by cannondale27 »

Kdeal he knows I was just giving him a hard time.Anyone who has the balls to go to 70 hp with thier motor really does deserve tons of credit for taking risk.Can see this leading to a new HP war though.Aint going to be pretty ending I bet biggrin.gif

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#17 Post by cobradaler »

i had the luck to be able to ride the quad at the drags and on motor alone this thing ripps, and yes he videoed the dyno runs.

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#18 Post by kdeal »

QUOTE (Happyboy @ Apr 29 2007, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On the road but I will try to post tonight.

On the road but I will try to post tonight.

58.04hp w/ 38.80

72.60hp w/ 46.70

Max torque was 47.15

Didn't need the nitrous at all.

Are you saying 72HP without nitrous?

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#19 Post by Sand_Blaster »

I find this funny cause the 804cc raptor that was in my AtvSport mag put down 78hp. It took 100cc to make that much tongue.gif
When are Dales are producing close to that with less cc's.

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#20 Post by jesshamner »

Wow! That's amazing...and I was just bragging to a ex-cdale owner at the race last week that we were at or around 65 hp. Now I'll have to find him and tell him about this astonishing news. Way to go Sean! So is this 72 with or without nitrous?

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