I could use a little advice...

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#11 Post by Knight440 »

Some Great tips guys keep them coming:clap:

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#12 Post by cannondale27 »

If a crf450 dirtbike is doing the jump in fourth pinned I wouldnt do the jump until you see another quad do it.That dirtbike is alot faster and lighter than your quad.They fly farther and land better than a quad ever will.Let someone else do it first.

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#13 Post by MXMIKE »

I know it may sound funny but we got some fast 80cc dirtbike riders around us.If I am not shure my bike got the umph to make it I wait for one of them to do it.If 125cc bikes are makeing it with ease I would consider it.

One more tip.
Some times I run across a jump with a face that realy dont have enough through to get you over the landing hill.It will give you the distance but not the hight.This is were you would preload the suspention for the extra hight needed.To do this you have to to push down useing your legs and arms at the very start of the face of the hill.It will spring you up higher than if you just hit it regular.

Again this all takes practice.Start small and work you way up as you are more comfortable.

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#14 Post by Knight440 »

Again this all takes practice.Start small and work you way up as you are more comfortabl


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#15 Post by aroracer72 »

as ryan stones said, you should land on the power as pros say, unless your front end is real high, cause you will flip. The only reason you pull in the clutch when you jump is too hit the rear break to bring the nose down, and as for your jumping, it sounds like you need suspension improvements, talk to the quad shop for info and prices on to convert your shocks to bouble rates with rez's, this will help A TON!!!....ask jaybar for more info about the quad shop.

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#16 Post by aroracer72 »

on those jumps were you cant get over the landing, right as you hit the lip, shove hard hard on your pegs forcing the suspension to preload, and it will "spring" you up into the air, but BE CAREFUL, you can get really hurt trying this, so start small, and go bigger and bigger as i did, untill im now hitting 75 foot step up jumps, later, and hope this helps you.

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#17 Post by 4punksdad »

the take off ramp angle is very important. If its flat it will throw you long..........if its got a steep lip it will throw you high...............I jump 35+ feet with my cannibal in the middle of third gear. Hold steady throttle as she is ready to land.........about 40% throttle. This will propel you forward on impact rather than straight down which is causing the hard hit. Post a pic of this car jump and maybe we can add some helpful comments upon a proper inspection of the jump biggrin.gif

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#18 Post by haydug »

One other reason to land with the gas on, is it improves your rear suspension "feel", making is feel stiffer with less bottoming. Always try and keep your body in a neutral position on the bike, with your arms and legs slightly bent to absorb any sudden jolts. Your head should be above your crossbar. Another technique for gaining altitude is the "seat bounce" if your take off is short, and your hit is slow this works awesome, but going fast it is REAL TRICKY. Be safe and never ride above your head, a FUN, SLOW day is a **** of alot funner that a trip to the hospital.

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