Everyone should see it this way!

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#11 Post by Deityracer »

What the **** are you talking abotu liberal sissies? this isn't about that this is about the all mighty dollar. why pay me 30-40 dollars an hour for what I do when I can get an even stronger work ethic and pay them 2 dollars and hour. This is about greed short and simple.

why do you think are not feeling the repercussions of hiring illegals? Punish the employer solve the problem PERIOD. No work no reason to come.

But hey, I'm just a blue hippie (that has no cats on any of thier muscle cars that get 9mpg or less biggrin.gif )

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#12 Post by Psychosis »

I lived in IL for my whole life basically and had only seen a handful of Mexicans for example. I moved to AZ and on nearly every block in the city of Phoenix or surrounding areas has a group of them waiting to be picked up for work in the mornings. I'm a contractor for a few companies and such and am a usual at a Home Depot around 5-6am. I swear there has to be atleast 100 or so outside just looking for work. They'll be jumping in your truckbed practically saying need help or work or something. Ironically they can say those words.

The sad part is just w/in a couple minutes outside Home Depot I'll see atleast 3-5 trucks driving off w/them in the back. You look at the trucks and you'll see business logos all over w/some saying things like 20+ yrs experience! It's an outrage! I hire friends from time to time to help out but you know what. I pay them per job and a good amount. I'd rather have good help from a friend here legally than save 90% of that cash and get an illegal to help. This is just me ranting but I'd love to just pick up a load of them and drive them straight to someone to take care of them via jail, a good beating, or something similar. I have nothing against people here legally but illegally is a different situation. Mainly b/c I've caught a few of them trying to steal stuff from me too! Lazy ********.

Not to mention a good friend of mine who's only 18 has been told she may pass away if she doesn't have surgery before too much longer but she can't get insurance b/c though she works, she doesn't qualify. However, I see/hear about illegals everyday that are getting insurance/govt support here. And I've met a few who will gladly tell you they have no job, several kids, and are fully covered moneywise/insuransewise by the US govt. Another outrage!

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#13 Post by wayneschofield »

I don't feel I am racist. There are Chinese communities, Polish, Jewish etc. They keep themselves out of trouble and in tax-paying work. They contribute and have earned their place in this country fairly and legally.

Our ancestors worked hard so that their decendants would enjoy and benefit from the infrastructure they worked hard to build. However, the fact that our society generally works to help and provide for it's offspring rather than the other way around makes our system ripe for being ripped off by societies that do work the other way around.

I cannot blame other societies for living the way they do, it is their right to choose how they live. However, we should not be forced by the very governments we put in power to openly accomodate societies that are here purely and simply for whatever they can get from our system. Not only that but they then blame our 'capitalist' way of life for problems around the world and then use our own education system to learn how to commit terrorist acts against the very people who have extended curtesy to them and helped them along in life. Our 'capitalist' way of life allows us to help them and they use this help given to try to destroy our lives.

Great 'assets to the nation' Mr Blair....

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#14 Post by joedirt »

It's nice to hear that another country is just as stupid as the US when it comes to these problems Wayne. The Mexicans that I worked with had no problems paying taxes or anything we as citizens pay. They couldn't get a green card or visa. I think they said a good paying jobs in Mexico pays $8-9 a day. **** I know some of them that have there union cards pay dues and everything. There are alot of them there everywhere unsure.gif

J. Delaney
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#15 Post by J. Delaney »

Look at France. The riots a few years back were mostly muslims and then they did it again a few weeks back. But it's not politically correct to report the facts if it might make someone other than a white Christian male look bad.

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#16 Post by Deityracer »

Guys I was being dumb when I said that, I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

GO CANNONDALE!!! wink.gif

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#17 Post by CannondaleRider »

J. Delaney
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#18 Post by J. Delaney »

I like it.

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#19 Post by mxbadboy03 »

if the governerment would start shooting the illegals when they come across the border and exacute the illegals over here when cault unstead of lock them up give them a place to stay and feed them with are tax dollars for a while then send them back oer to mexico so theycan make there way back over here it would solve and stop alot of are problems

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#20 Post by joedirt »

^ blink.gif ^ YEEHAW round them up

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