Fillin the trailer- what'll it haul?

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#41 Post by UpsMan »

I say buy it but don't expect to pull it with a half ton, unless you only put two quads in it. If you need to haul more, buy a bigger trailer and truck. Remember just because your truck will move it, doesn't mean it will move it safely, or be able to stop in a panic situation. Nothing sucks more than pulling something too heavy and not being able to pass a slow driver or an amish buggy or farmer, you know?

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#42 Post by Ryanstones »

Of course, an accurate weight is required. In my personal experience the Sequoia will easily and safely pull that trailer when properly equipped with weight equalizing bars and properly maintained/adjusted trailer brakes. My I-Force 4.7 liter pulled an equivalent trailer over the rockies and all over utah while averaging 11mpg.

I still think the better question is What is the opportunity cost of purchasing/maintaining/using that trailer? What interest costs will accrue? What other family financial needs will NOT be met do to those costs? What other debts will not be paid down? How much will it cost per use, (buying expensive exercise equipment rarely results in more exercising) particularly as high gas prices return and surpass last year's highs and as unemployment rates rise beyond 10-15%? Is it responsible to place so much resources into a hobby that has no future? smile.gif Ignore economic trends at your own peril.


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#43 Post by UpsMan »

I bet you don't get invited to very many parties. lol

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#44 Post by Ryanstones »

huh.gif That's True.

There is no glory in telling people what they don't want to hear.

Since I came to understand what is happening and started speaking out about it, markets (and 401ks?) fell by half (currently a third), unemployment doubled, budget deficit quadrupled, two thirds of the US Auto industry bankrupted, monetary base doubled, 10 trillion + bailout for banks, 100 bank failures (900 to go), 12 trillion in housing equity>POOF (i sold at the top), gold doubled, silver tripled, and so much more, yet I'm still the crazy one. wacko.gif Whatever. There is no personal gain in speaking out at all. So why do it?

'It is in the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting'."
HL Mencken

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. . -H.G. Wells

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#45 Post by haydug »

Ryanstones, how the heck are ya? Haven't talked to you in awhile, we need to get together, get jaybr, fry up some eggs and sit around and bs alittle while.

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#46 Post by UpsMan »

Can I come too?

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#47 Post by Ryanstones »

NO, YoU Can't! HA!

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#48 Post by Ryanstones »

Whaddya say Douger? Lots of waters under the bridge huh? I tell ya, you can't get a better egg than my hens give every day! Those yolks are more orange than yellow and they stand up off the pan 1.25". Heck, if you can get JBr I might even ring a roosters neck for the fry pan. I just finished a big ole plate of my homegrown taters, onions and peppers, 3 ears of fabulous sweetcorn and the sweetest most perfect heirloom tomato you ever saw.
Come on down, I'll save you a seat for breakfast. Cantaloupe tomorrow.
I hope you are well Doug. I can't imagine how big all those kids are!

No eggs, for UpsMan. Those that don't work don't eat. j/k man. You're welcome anytime. um, except after TSHTF.

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#49 Post by UpsMan »

Don't worry, after TSHTF I'm heading north, not south.

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#50 Post by NRath »

Wow, Look what I've been missing! That was some good reading.

Yep, there's a reason I haven't called Ryanstones to discuss it- I knew his position. Or maybe it was out of fear he'd talk some sense into me. I won't deny the world is a changin'. But I'm feeling that a person should enjoy the things they can as long as they can. Don't give 'em up early and miss out because something's going to happen someday. There could be lots of good days before someday gets here. Or not. Who knows, I may need to live in that little camp trailer, someday.

Looks like a discussion got sparked and a couple C'dale dinosaurs crawled out of their holes!

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