power out?

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power out?

#1 Post by 4punksdad »

just got my power back from the hurricane. The juice went out last night around 11pm. Who else felt the effects?

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#2 Post by haydug »

Got some rain in ohio, nothing bad though. It looked like VA got hit pretty hard, glad everything is OK. I haven't heard from Jaybr, starting to wonder about him.

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#3 Post by Jaybr »

I'm still here!

Power went out about 3:00 yesterday afternoon and still isn't on, glad I had a charged laptop battery:D

Phones went out yesterday too, but they came back on late this afternoon, still no cell signal though.

It looks like a war zone down here, I was lucky and only had 3 big oak trees fall, and the only damage was a couple spots in the fence. There's two trees on the house across the street and 12 down in his back yard. Looks about the same everywhere, trees down in every yard and on alot of houses. I saw 2 cars in the neighborhood that have big oaks through the middle of them. I'm gonna try and get some pictures tomorrow.

Haven't been out to assess the track yet, going in the morning. One thing for sure, we'll have plenty of wood for campfires:o

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#4 Post by CowsBitePeople »

oh man thatsucks get some pics

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#5 Post by Jaybr »

Power came back on a couple hours ago:D

I went out and checked out the track this morning: the MX section is completely clear, a little wet but no standing water so it will dry in a couple days. There are only a couple trees across the trails, 1 really big one, I'll be out tomorrow cutting them out of the way. There are lots of twigs and small branches scattered across the trails, but won't take too long to clear them.

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#6 Post by Jaybr »

here's one across the trails

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#7 Post by Jaybr »

There's a house back there somewhere

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#8 Post by Jaybr »

one of my neighbor's yards

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#9 Post by NRath »

My house is still without power. I don't expect it for a couple more days- that's just my gut feeling. I'm at the very end of the line with a broken pole in my yard that only I'm on.sad.gif Not to mention it pulled the power lines off the side of the house. Fortuately there's no other damage, though. We were very lucky-lots of big trees in my yard, but none came down. It looks like someone threw a billion leaves in a mulcher then shot them into the air. Shredded leaves stuck to the side of the car and house on one side! Pretty wild. The trees that are down and the damage to houses is a sad sight!'
This one house down the street from me has about a 100 yard driveway that had 3 huge oak trees lining it. All 3 are pushed over into his yard. Another person a little further down caught one of those oaks right in the middle of their brick house. Well you could say the wind huffed and it puffed and the tree knocked the house down!
Work to be done, see you next time!

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#10 Post by TurboJay »

Hope everything goes OK. Don't be too hard on those lineman guys....Being one myself, I know they are doing their best to get people back in lights. Just remember that they have to get the big lines fixed first and then work their way out from there.

Good luck with the clean up guys,

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