power out?

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#11 Post by NRath »

I'm not being hard on them at all- they have my utmost respect! They're working their tails off up here and I greatly appreciate it, even if I'm not getting the juice! I unfortunately realize that I'm near the last of the list and know they have to go where they can get the most people back on line. They'll get to me, but unless it was tonight, it won't be soon enough. I'm off on a road trip to buy a generator tomorrow, then the lights will be back on!!

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#12 Post by TurboJay »

I would say that it would be a good idea from what I am getting through the grapevine.It sounds like they have a heck of a mess down there. Hope all goes well. Just make sure you don't backfeed the line on them if you are going to hook it up to your box in the house.

If your luck is like mine, you have lights when you get home with the generator!

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#13 Post by 4punksdad »

Originally posted by ******
It's thursday no power,no water(gen only runs 110 volts well needs 220), some contractor dumped 3 ton of rock, sticks and mud in front of my driveway (I live about 200 feet off the road and you can't see my house from it) I'm going nuts  :cry: :furious:  the county said they would clean up the illegal dump but that was monday. PEPCO said I'd have power last night then today they said the transformer was blown and they have to go get one(11:15 pm and still no power :furious: ) tomarrow I'm taking some pics and going to my congressman's office about the dump because this illegal dump was suposed to be cleaned up in FEB( It's sometimes nice working on capitol hill :usa ) my quad is still caked in mud from sunday after the most horribal  poker run ever in western PA( I'll have to stop at a car wash on my way down to the group ride)

let me know if you need me to dispatch a cleanup crew :deal:

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#14 Post by thomez »

How old is this hot dogsitter? Got any info? :deal: biggrin.gif

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#15 Post by 4punksdad »

Originally posted by thomez
How old is this hot dogsitter? Got any info? :deal: biggrin.gif

to heck with info..............a picture is worth 1000 words:p wink.gif

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#16 Post by NRath »

If I had fackfeeding to worry about, I'd have electricity! smile.gif My lines got pulled off the house! They replaced the pole in my yard during the week which got my neighbors all powered up- I'm glad for them. I was already aware of the backfeeding thing and would do my part to keep the lineman safe! I helped a friend backfeed his generator from his garage and repeatedly stressed the backfeed concern to him. I heard one guy was killed because of the backfeeding right after the storm.sad.gif sad.gif

Originally posted by TurboJay
I would say that it would be a good idea from what I am getting through the grapevine.It sounds like they have a heck of a mess down there. Hope all goes well. Just make sure you don't backfeed the line on them if you are going to hook it up to your box in the house.

If your luck is like mine, you have lights when you get home with the generator!

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#17 Post by TurboJay »

The backfeeding happens more than you think...a lot of people don't realize how dangerous it is.

I hope you all get your power back soon. Just remember I'm only a phone call away:dance:

I'd like to head down for that ride anyway, but after I rode all weekend I would probably be too tired to help with the lines.

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