Lets talk about hr 2306 what do you think. No flamming keep it civil

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#11 Post by rayspeed »

Speaking as someone that has never been high I do agree that the war on this drug has been a loosing battle and maybe this should be excluded however I do have some concerns where it pertains to our youth and our country going even faster down the drain if this becomes an accepted part of our society. Everyone on the pro side downplays the health risks and I suggest you fully research that yourself but I am more concerned with how it can rob a young person of their full potential because lets face it... some of the attributes you mention tend to lead to being unproductive on many levels... when this stuff becomes a way of life and the younger you are exposed to it the more likely that becomes the case and make no mistake what you are proposing is wide spread access.

There will always be people that either will or will not indulge in this just like alcohol cigarettes or worse. However understand that there has been a large segment of society not too unlike myself that had limited exposure growing up and even later in life because it has been illegal so understand the ramifications of that limitation going out the window. I have NEVER held a career type job that it was not a condition of employment to stay clean so with that said... when and if it is legal how far do we go with its access? Will you have a stash bar right next to your liquor bar? A young person exposed to liquor is one thing but this stuff alters development... think about somebody you know that was exposed at a young age where it became a way of life (everybody knows at least one chronic pot head) how they look, talk and think. Plenty of room for comedy there but also look at how far they generally get in life... will they ever hold an important well paying job and have a career that they can retire from someday? Other than selling to support their habit how many are likely to open and run their own business and if they do would you want to work for them? More people will indulge just because "hey its legal" but really do you want Bob Marley flying your plane or Tommy Chong in charge of the air traffic? If it becomes legal where do you draw the line with what jobs can or should never mess with this stuff and which ones it might be recreationally ok. I've got news for you all of the ones where it is not ok now will continue to be that way. With legal access comes wider access and with that comes an increased percentage of american people that have limited their choices in life and may be toking their american dream up in smoke. What are the chances that these increased numbers in our society are more likely to become a burden to the rest of us? Is it really worth the chance?

I have known allot of people that will admit that this was a big part of their young life and eventually grew out of it or realized where it was taking them and got away from it.... ask some of these people where they fall on this issue and many of them will not welcome the temptation and may be the downfall of many I predict. I have also worked with people that thought that they could outsmart the system or were just occasional users but all of them eventually got caught and lost their careers probably for good reason. Sure there are exceptions to all this of course and you are mostly talking about people that indulge on a recreational basis and I have no problem with that for the most part but please dont expect me to pay more taxes to put food on your table or to feed your kids because you need all of the cash you make at the head shop to support your feel good habit.

All of that said I support the legalization and taxing of it but only on the condition that they start testing EVERYONE applying for ANY kind of assistance that comes from my tax dollars! If I have to stay clean to earn whats left after taxes than anyone getting my money for nothing needs to be clean too! And when they are clean they will probably have a whole world of opportunity open up to them that they otherwise had no shot at.

So thats my take and please do not take it personally because I dont know you... Understand that probably a large percentage of the generation ahead of you feels this way and think about why that might be a good thing for the country as a whole.

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#12 Post by Dude54758 »

I take no offense to that as i used to smoke loads of pot but just grew out of it. I agree with everything you said in its entirety. Lets face it though pot is easier for kids to get now than alcohol . Take a poll at the high school is it easier for them to get pot then booze. 7 out of 10 are gonna say its easier to get pot. I get most passionate oer the fact the government just hides the studies that they fund because they come back in favor of pot. Ever since Nixon's war on pot ermm i mean drugs er i mean Hippies and free thinking people that go against the grain. But face it we a re a nation born on defiance.

These are the kind of responses i was hoping for well thought out educational statements from average Americans.

MX Quad Dad
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#13 Post by MX Quad Dad »

QUOTE (Dude54758 @ Sep 24 2011, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blood test strips that work like diabetes strips are on the market for parents now one prick bam thc busted.

Yeah, but, correct me if I'm wrong. these detect if you have smoked in the last so many days/weeks. what a person (adult) dose on thier own time shouldn't be anyones bussness. especialy a coworkers. but, if that person is high while at work were it affects the safety and well-being of others, thats a differant story, Can they detect if you are impared?

MX Quad Dad
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#14 Post by MX Quad Dad »

QUOTE (rayspeed @ Sep 25 2011, 12:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do have some concerns where it pertains to our youth and our country going even faster down the drain if this becomes an accepted part of our society.

I agree. age limit may be easyer to inforce if you eleminate the black markit. and the younger adults are learning that drug test for employment is more and more required. so would it be so bad for schools. that may be a bad bad can of worms

Everyone on the pro side downplays the health risks and I suggest you fully research that yourself but I am more concerned with how it can rob a young person of their full potential because lets face it... some of the attributes you mention tend to lead to being unproductive on many levels... when this stuff becomes a way of life and the younger you are exposed to it the more likely that becomes the case and make no mistake what you are proposing is wide spread access.

Well.... I had two friends in high school that seemed to be on the excessive side. One that I believe was only pot, he has passed away many years ago, and from what I have heard from his close friends and one family member (which I have no way of knowing if it is true). that the pot had a roll in it. the other I am pretty sure there was the frequent use of much worse stuff, he was a few year younger than me and when his use became normal on rides I quit rideing with that group. I was pretty sure he was probubly laying in a gutter somewhere (dead or alive) only to find out that he cleaned-up got a job and started his own bussness with quite a few employees and doing well. I think I have only seen him once since my sophmore year, which he was suposedably cleaned-up (drug wise anyway since it was in a bar). Just for laughs I was thinking about aplying for a job and seeing if they require a drug sceening.

One other thing that comes to mind is that the fact that it is illeagal, does this make the temptation and dare factor harder to break as far as in a school envierment. Not sure I phased that right.

Not to make a positive vote but, I have been haveing some symptoms of stress and the doctors seem willing to perscribe drugs to help, which all seem to have a list of side affect as long or longer than my arm. so other than taking money away from the drug companies is there more harm? cost of monitoring it might equal the cost the goverment has spent trying to elemenate it. also if an employer has the right to a persons private life (by being able to detect if someone smokes pot and not if they are actually impared at the time of their work hours) by saying its an illegal substance, wouldn't that be like fireing or make them take rehab for other illegal activities? LIke you YOU PASSED SOMEONE ON THE WAY TO WORK AND WENT 3MPH OVER THE LIMIT. or YOU WALKED INTO THE PARTY STORE WITH A LIT SIGERET IN YOU MOUTH.

Again I don't mean to make it sound like I am pushing to make it legal. just figure they don't seem to have a way to detect if you are impared because they use a screening method that detects use and not impaired, which I am not opposed to if its the only way to detect the possibilty you may be indangering co-workers, which means if legalised they would have to come up with a way to detect if you are under the influance in any way.

OH YEAH, another thing that may make me out to be a real bad person. I do not go for the "its a desease" when it comes to alcoholisem or any drugs legal or otherwise. first off you have to want help before help will help. second you most likely were of sound mind when you started to abuse yourself. I'm a person that can't stand to be stuck behind someone driving 10mph under the limit so if I pass them ilegaly or turn them into the ditch when they pull out in front of me, can I say its a desease?

And SORRY about the rambling

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#15 Post by Dude54758 »

I dont believe in the disease thing either i think the disease is a weak self control and will power. I dont know if the taboo side has anything to do with it. I do know big pharma pushes lots of drugs i take Clonazepam and Valium on daily basis to handle my nerves. Spend lots of money on it too. Pretty sure a bowl of pot would help but i dont see that happening until its legal to much to loose with family and all.

There is alot of sides to this but the bottom line is pretty simple. Pot has been illegal since 1937. Prior it was fine. Of course so was heroine and Cocaine lets not all forget CocaCola was Filled with Coke to settle ones nerves. there has never been a single recoreded death from marijuana itself IE: overdose. Studied have been concluded that marijuana does not cause lung cancer. (There is conflicting info in studies. But if you read the studies they forced monkies to smoke a 50 joints at a time via a gas mask)

Big pharma pushes thousands of drugs which are fine now but in a few years who knows how many law suites pop up fen fen etc. We need to either legalize it or **** near ban cigarettes and alcohol. Thats not a popular statements but if you are taking teh governments stance its the right one. **** Obama fda leadership is currently going after Pepsi and Coke for there sugary drinks......scary isnt it.

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#16 Post by claas900 »

QUOTE (MX Quad Dad @ Sep 24 2011, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now we know who is fighting the legalization

For some reason, just being around people smoking weed irritates my throat.
My only concern is how can they regulate it. I don't realy care if they can detect it in your system two weeks later, only if they can detect it when its affecting judgment or reflexes. I operate heavy equipment and I believe it affects your judgment and reaction time. I do not like working with other operators or labors who smoke weed. if they can regulate it like alcohol and give me relief of it in public buildings, i have nothing against it

I'm in the same boat as you, heavy equipment. They always have a noticeable slower reaction time. Or when you ask them a question you always get that blank stare/pause then the answer, its maddening. But what you do behind closed doors isn't any of my business. Its really a tuff call.

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#17 Post by Dude54758 »



I cant wait to here the lame response given buy obama or anyone at the house. um yeah um weed is bad mmmmkay lol. In all honesty i am sur they have a way to check blood levels right now and tell the difference on when pot has been smoked. If not big pharma will make money on a way to sell people said kit.

Cant deny that its kinda ironic that its the number 1 thing on people minds out of all those petitions.

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#18 Post by cannondale27 »

Its not the drug thats the problem its the people that abuse it.Doesnt matter the drug and alcohol is a drug.Is a mayor in WI that is a chronic alcoholic.In trouble all the time.They are trying to kick him out but he is claiming his alcoholism is a disability so he has rights under the disabilities laws.Unbelievable.The big issue is enforcing responsibility.The laws and system in place to deal with those who are irresponsible are broke and not effective on top of being very costly.I agree that pot is probably easier to control than alcohol as far as being impaired.Smoke a joint,get high,2hrs later you are fit for duty other than maybe hungry.No hangover even.But its also easier to use on the job which would be very dangerous.Until something changes to make people more conscientious like really severe penalties for abuse.I just think adding legal pot to the mix is a bad idea.

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#19 Post by Dude54758 »

QUOTE (cannondale27 @ Sep 26 2011, 01:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its not the drug thats the problem its the people that abuse it.Doesnt matter the drug and alcohol is a drug.Is a mayor in WI that is a chronic alcoholic.In trouble all the time.They are trying to kick him out but he is claiming his alcoholism is a disability so he has rights under the disabilities laws.Unbelievable.The big issue is enforcing responsibility.The laws and system in place to deal with those who are irresponsible are broke and not effective on top of being very costly.I agree that pot is probably easier to control than alcohol as far as being impaired.Smoke a joint,get high,2hrs later you are fit for duty other than maybe hungry.No hangover even.But its also easier to use on the job which would be very dangerous.Until something changes to make people more conscientious like really severe penalties for abuse.I just think adding legal pot to the mix is a bad idea.

Good points. I think at the very least it needs to be decriminalized. No sense locking up someone for a few grams of pot for 6 months.
Cost on average 400 dollars a day in county jail over 1,000 a day in state prisons to house a inmate Let alone the usp bop and fed system. What for so they can get caught again. But that ties into the privatized prison system of course they like it its good business but who pays for that inmate.........we do Sure gives a guard a job to feed his family...but who pays him to watch the pot head..we do. Sad day when sex offenders get less time per captia than someone who got caught with small amounts of reefer.

I think the majority of people just want the Feds to butt out. let each state decide. Obama swore he was gonna leave cali dispensaries alone Ashcroft had other plans. Its just B.S If they decided in there state who is some douche 3k away to say any different? Same with anything really gay marriage whatever. Who cares what Cali does or MI or Colorado.

MX Quad Dad
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#20 Post by MX Quad Dad »

QUOTE (claas900 @ Sep 25 2011, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm in the same boat as you, heavy equipment. They always have a noticeable slower reaction time. Or when you ask them a question you always get that blank stare/pause then the answer, its maddening. But what you do behind closed doors isn't any of my business. Its really a tuff call.

Kind of a first hand story, i had worked for a company for many years and a few years after i started, two brothers who were very heavy into pot got hired in. and for many years there were always stupid accedents happining on their shifts. later I became what they called a team leader and I was noticing in a little more detail it seemed to be them. later, as foreman it actually started to bother me to the point I was trying not to be involved with them. Then one year I was to be a job supervisor. at that point I didn't realise that one of the brothers got busted in a random drug screen and I was going to have both of them on my crew. anyway the one brother went through all the rehab required to keep his job and both of them quit smoking. they were on my crew for two seasons and I can't remember one of their stupid accedents or screw-ups in that two years. I ended up with one as an operator and the other as a crew leader.

Now for the funny part, in an after work BS session with a few brews, we got on the pot disscussion. and both of these brothers believe they were more productive before they quit and their accedents and screw-ups had nothing to do with the pot. and even though I could rattle off 8-10 vehicals they damanged and numerus screw-ups before they quit smoking and at that point could only think of one truck that came in broke after they used it in the past two years and that was a broken door handle which was a common ocurance on that truck. but there was no convincing them

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